Chapter 1: A break?

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The tall, hybrid boy smiled at the gem ahead of him. "I'll help anytime." He replied to the Ocean Jasper's 'thank you'.

With that, Steven turned and began to make his way back to the warp. He had spent a whole day working around in little home world and he was starting to tire, he lifted his wrist and wiped trail of sweat from his forehead. As he reached the warp pad and prepared himself to warp he spotted Lars and the Offcolors talking by a tall building, he walked over quickly eager to see his friends again.

"Hey, guys!" He chimed in with a smile, They looked in his direction and smiled. "How have you been, Steven?" Lars asked, flicking his light pink hair. "Well, i've been busy working around Little Homeworld all day." He replied. "Y'know, you should take a break once. Sadie told me you've been working non-stop."

Steven shook his head with a small frown. "There is so much more to do here, I gotta help out." He explained. This was necessary, after all i'm the reason they're here so I got to give them a good and safe place to live. "The town is still damaged from the injector's damage and I haven't had a chance to get into it for a while, i'm heading there now."

Lars shook his head disapprovingly but said nothing more, allowing Steven to walk away. He soon teleported into the temple and raced down onto the beach, he assumed the gems were around the town they said they would help out with Beach City while he was in Little Homeworld, he soon reached the streets and spotted Garnet and Amethyst by the arcade, lifting the some signs while Pearl yelled up at them orders from the ground. He walked over with a puff, catching his breath from the running.

He looked up at the work done, they certainly had cleaned up well. There wasn't much more to be done now. "Great job guys!" Steven congratulated them as they finished anx made their way towards him. Amethyst patted him on the back. "You too, we heard from Lapis that you've working hard. Just make sure you take a break."

He exhaled, he didn't have time for breaks. There was too much to do.

"C'mon, we're heading back to the house now, you can get some rest." Pearl told him, beginning to walk back. "But I just got here!" Steven groaned before following after them, still out of breath. As they reached the stairs leading up the the house, Steven paused, leaning against the railing and coughed hard.

All three gems turned around to face him, their motherly insticts kicking in. Garnet picked him up and took him inside, the boy still coughing but not as hard now. They sat him down on the couch and Amethyst passed him a bottle of water. "You okay, Steven?" She asked.

Steven chugged the water asoon as his coughs went away and nodded, breathlessly. They all frowned at him.

"What?" He asked as he finally got his breath back. Pearl crossed her arms, Garnet sighed disapprovingly and Amethyst had a look on her face that just said 'I told you so.'

"You're working to hard, you need to take a break." Garnet told him. Steven shook his head. "Little Homeworld is still being built and after the damage caused to it, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth need all the help they can get." Steven answered, standing up his gaze traveling in the direction of the little city.

Garnet pushed him back down onto the couch. "No, you'll being staying here and resting." With that, the fusion walked away, going towards the warp pad, Pearl following her after a glance back at him. Amethyst turned toaards him. "Promise me you'll rest for a little while?" She asked, looking into my eyes.

Steven went silent.

"Steven." She said more sternly. Steven sat back in the couch. "Fine, I promise."

She smiled at him before leaving, with a flash of light from the room above the three gems were gone. Steven had his own lingering thoughts, if we was not going to work how about he went and saw how Homeworld was doing, more specifically how Spinel was doing in Homeworld.

The boy stood and raced upstairs.

Fisrt chapter of a new book, this book is not going to be a well in details as my other books as this theory of Steven's corruption was on my mind and my thoughts were all like making a story so heres some random thoughts I had, this book with always have short chapters but with high quality most likely, thank yiu for reading.

I'm so tired..

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