Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

As Jake moved more rapidly, I was consumed by a sensation I'd never experienced before. It was as if I had been possessed by a sexual demon when my legs wrapped around his neck, pulling his face closer to my sex. I felt him smirk against me, pleased about the satisfaction he was providing.

As I felt the familiar tension building in my abdomen, my vision began to blur. I bit down on my lip and grabbed Jake's head, giving his hair a gentle tug. I pleaded for him to keep going and he did as I asked, his tongue continuing the torturous circles over and over again until my back was arching off of the kitchen counter, and I was calling out his name as loudly as I could.

After I finished and my heart rate started to return to normal, Jake eased me down from the kitchen counter. He kissed me gently, and I tasted the saltiness of myself on him, something that turned me on more than I would have expected it to. Jake began to undress me slowly until I was left standing in nothing but my satin bra, panties, and black heels.

Jake hoisted me into his burly arms and carried me the navy couch in the living room. I felt the familiar tightness as Jake entered me, moving slowly and deeply with each thrust.

The feeling of having Jake inside of me was incredible, but not just in the physical sense. Jake loved me, and I loved him, and nothing brought me more pleasure than knowing that. For the first time since we met, this man was completely and truly mine.

The idea made me want him more. I used my fingers on his muscular back to draw him closer to me. I began moving with him, the two of us finding a pleasant rhythm with the other.

Each insertion brought Jake closer to climax. As he neared the brink, I held his head between my fingers, looking deeply into his eyes as I longed for him to cum inside of me. My wish was granted as he gave one final thrust, and was sent to sweet oblivion.  

I was woken up by the vibrant hues of the January sunrise radiating through the living room windows. It was bright, too bright. My head ached from drinking so much wine. Jake's arm was draped over me in a protective gesture. Despite my throbbing head, I couldn't help but smile when I saw him.

I allowed my fingertips to trace the blue veins that popped out over his large bicep, moving my fingers gently so as not to wake him up. I kissed the scars along his arm, my eyebrows furrowing as I remembered that they were the result of a selfless sacrifice that nearly cost him his life to save mine.

Jake's eyelids fluttered open at my touch. The corners of his lips turned up when he saw me.

"Good morning," he said softly, rubbing his swollen eyelids.

"Good morning," I whispered.

I was acutely aware of my morning breath, but Jake didn't seem to mind. He kissed me deeply, despite my halitosis.

With a heavy sigh, he rolled off the couch and got to his feet.

"I could use a shower. Care to join me?" he asked, holding out his scarred arm.

I smiled and took his hand, following him upstairs, wearing nothing but my undergarments. Jake turned on the shower, and the roar of the cascading water echoed around us, intensifying the aftereffects of the wine. 

"Oof," he said, rubbing his forehead.

"I'm hungover too," I admitted with a small laugh.

Jake strode out of his boxer shorts and stepped into the shower. I felt my eyes bulge as I took in his impressive member, standing fully alert this morning. Although I was still tender from the previous night's intercourse, I felt the prickle of longing in my belly once again.

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