The other two went over to help the female fight Sasuke while one other helped get Naruto.

' Shit Naru- ' But before Sasuke could finish the sentence, he saw Naruto being carried away with the other human down the ladder.

Another sword was about to hit Sasuke in the head but he dodged it only have a male grab his hands and face hit him against the floor.

Sasuke panted and so did the rest catching their breathes.

One of the males grabbed his sword and was about to strike Sasuke in the back only to have the female stop him.

'' Stop Jiraiya '' The female said.

The male Jiraiya turned around.

'' Tsunade ? '' Jiraiya questioned.

' So that's who Naruto was gonna shout out ' Sasuke thought as his face was pressed a bit more into the floor.

'' We can't kill him '' Another male said.

'' Minato why not? '' Jiraiya questioned the other male which was called Minato.

'' The boy has the Uchiha symbol on his shirt, which means he's an Uchiha Jiraiya, we can't kill him unless we're planning to start a war with the Uchiha Kingdom '' Minato said.

Jiraiya grunted looking at the symbol seeing that it's true.

'' We have to go to Kakashi, he has Naruto '' Tsunade said.

Jiraiya nodded and Minato let go of Sasuke and they both left along with Tsunade  leaving Sasuke on the floor angry.

They took Naruto away from him.

They took his Naruto away from him.

His Mate.

Sasuke clenched his fists hard.

He would get Naruto back no matter what.


'' YOU DID WHAT !! '' 

Sasuke wanted to flinch at the voice of his Father, Fugaku but he didn't, he didn't because the subject that they were talking about was Naruto.

'' Calm down hunny '' Mikoto said as she rubbed Fugaku's shoulder.

Fugaku did and leaned into Mikoto's touch.

Itachi stood on the other side of his Father looking at Sasuke.

Mikoto looked up at Sasuke, she was going to ask the questions.

'' Why did you do that Sasuke? '' She asked nicely '' Why did you bring a human into the vampire kingdom ? ''

Sasuke stared at his Mother.

'' Becasue '' He growled clenching his fists hard '' Naruto is my mate '' 

The possessiveness didn't go unnoticed by Itachi and Fugaku and they both narrowed his eyes.

'' Mate? '' Mikoto repeated shocked '' How could you kn-''

'' Because Mother '' Sasuke interrupted her his voice a bit rude but he didn't care since she was taking about his mate '' I know, i can feel it '' Sasuke unknowingly clenched his fists harder.

There was a pause.

Fugaku stared at Sasuke as he knew the familiar feeling.

The possessiveness , the want and the love was circling around Sasuke's body.

Fugaku was once long ago the prince when his Father was the king, he once went outside and met Mikoto but she couldn't go near him since she was one of the villagers and he was the prince. A few days went by after that and Fugaku wanted to see her again and nobody could stop him. And now they're are married with children because Fugaku felt in his heart that Mikoto was his mate.

Fugaku would let Sasuke go to find the mate of his but there was problem and that problem was that Sasuke's mate was a human.

( Fugaku doesn't care if Sasuke was gay because Itachi wasn't )

'' So '' Fugaku finally spoke '' What do you plan on doing now that your mate was taken away ?''

Sasuke looked at Fugaku and if Fugaku wasn't the king he would of shivered at the cold eyes.

'' Get him back ''


Short summary on what happened if you still don't understand; 

Sasuke and Naruto were kissing but Naruto's older friends ( Jiraiya, Tsunade and Kakashi) and his father ( Minato ) were calling out to Naruto. They saw a treehouse , went up there ,saw Sasuke holding Naruto against his chest. Attacked Sasuke so he let go of Naruto, Kakashi quickly took Naruto. Jiraiya wanted to kill Sasuke for kidnapping Naruto but Tsunade and Minato stopped him and pointed out he's an Uchiha and if you kill him you'll start a war with the vampires. So they left Sasuke on the floor angry as hell planning on getting Naruto back.

Sasuke told his father what happened and his father got angry only to see the possessiveness aura that Sasuke was giving and couldn't help but go along.


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