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I can't even feel my lips. I felt taken advantage by those sloppy kissers. Been fighting my urge not to barf any second.

And not even a hint of potentially good kisser who may possibly be him.

Unfortunately, there has been no such guy.

All I can see are hormonal teenagers who wanted to make out with me or grope me if he was that asshole. It's safe to say that they never done that after one tries it on me.

I swear after I'm done here I was going to strangle my best friend.

My mouth felt dirty. I felt dirty.

I still have an hour until I was finished and I can sense my lips falling off my face.

"Next!" I screamed unwillingly. I have no idea why there are so many falling in line. I'm not that hot. Not the best kisser either.

I just wish they're really just contributing for a good cause because that's when it can make sense.

I mean who wants to kiss a random girl who is hopelessly romantic?

"Me." A familiar voice suddenly interrupted my  trance causing me to jump a little.

"Jesus! You almost scared me half to death!" I held my thumping chest with my hand.

"Why are you talking to yourself again?" He amusedly inquire.

I rolled my eyes.

"Levin why are you doing here?" I exclaimed not hiding my annoyance by his presence.

"Is that a way of greeting your awesome lab partner?" He snickered opening his arms wide for a hug.

I smack his arm and he winces.

"I have no other choice but to be your partner and you're not awesome. So if you're done here please move out I had to kiss some clients."

"I would have done it except I am one of your clients so... where's my kiss?" He lean in with a pucker lips and wiggle his eyebrows suggestively at me.

I hold his face placing my hands either side of his cheeks and smile.

"Not gonna happen my lab partner. Never. In. a. Million. Years." I smiled sweetly pinching his cheeks until he hiss in pain and back away.

"Damn woman! That hurt." He whined.

"It was supposed to hurt genius." I rolled my eyes.

"Next!" I screamed on top of my lungs signalling the next customer.

"Hey. Woah! Don't get here I am not done yet!" He growled to the shaggy dude who was stepping in.

Then he turn to me as he gave me with an incredulous look.

"Seriously? You're not going to kiss me but you're letting Scooby doo's best friend to kiss you?" He gestured the previous guy he just kicked out.

"What's wrong with Shaggy?"

"What's wrong with me?" He counters.

"Good question there. Everything is wrong with you." I answered without missing a beat.

"I'm personally insulted. Tell me why do you hate me so much?"

"Ah you finally realize it. I thought you will never pick up on that one."

"Answer my question, Zi."

"I told you stop calling me that!"

"Fine but answer my question first."

"I don't hate you."

"You don't?"

"I just dislike you."

"Wow. Just wow. I'm flattered. And why did I do to deserve your hatred or 'dislike'?"


"I what? Come on tell me."

"Because you're a piece of shit! After you tell me that you like me you decided to exchange spit with a slut the next day in front of my locker! I repeat, in front of my locker! You disgusting asshole!"

"That's because you didn't acknowledge my confession in the first place. And the place was unintentional, I swear. Also did you know how hard it is for me to have the courage to finally tell you that I like you? It took me like months to think it through but You just blew me off!"

"I didn't blew you off I just didn't know what to say so I panicked and ran off."

"You ran off yes and leave me there unanswered realizing how stupid I am for taking risk of asking you out. You could have just say that you didn't like me but no you treat me like a bag of air after and blame myself for even doing it."

"It was a first okay?"

"First what?"

"First guy I actually find funny and nice who ask me out. But it turns out that you aren't that nice. I thought you're not belong to the legion of assholes."

"That's rich coming from you."

"What do you mean?"

"You tell me I am an asshole for making out with Sylvia when you're here selling yourself out with the male population?"

"It's none of your business."

"Yeah totally not. Seeing as if the girl I like kiss every guy in the school like the slut she is." He gritted.

"Go to fucking hell, Levin and may your dick burn to bits." I bellowed narrowing my eyes in slits.

"Just kiss already!" Shaggy shouted making us both glared at him.

He looks taken aback with the intensity of our stares towards him.

"Come on man the sexual tension is palpable even I can see it." He explained frantically.

"I'll be dead first before I kiss that dickhead." I scowled.

"You sure about that?" He smirked.

"Never been so sure in my life." I said.

"That's sad because apparently I paid for this and you still have couple of minutes to do your job." I wanted to wipe that smug smile on his face and probably stab his eyeballs with his money.

"You're sick."I spit.

"Just being logical." He was now grinning like a maniac. Before I can even smack his face with my bare hands, voices interrupted me in the middle of my wrath.

"Come on man why is the line not moving?!"

"Dude don't hold up the line!"

"Are they having sex already?"

I heard him snicker and throw me a disgustingly seductive smile.

"Come on Zi, don't make them come up with more potential stories why we're here for so long." He said

"This is ridiculous." I blew a large amount of breath as I'm actually considering it so that he would be gone here already.


"Fine! Just one peck and we're done here and evaporate!" I finally gave up, unable to spend more time with him any longer.

"I'll take what I can get."

Kiss MarkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang