Chapter 1

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Stepping into the balcony, I shivered as the cold air brushed against my skin. Eyes wandering around, admiring the lavish scenery mother earth has offered.

Blue sky. Fresh surroundings. Cool and clean air.

A picturesque town.

If I’m an artistic person, I could definitely paint this one- unfortunately I’m not.

Then there's realization that hit me


It's been a long time since I've visited this place or should I say paradise.

I think that was 5 years ago. I was 13 years old back then.

And never did I get the chance to embrace this place’s beauty


The scene was already perfect if it were not for the season of the year- which is autumn. And I hate autumn, who wouldn't hate it anyway?

Setting the season aside, I just admired the place's beauty itself.

My grandparents own this haven. It was huge and grandeur but it's the kind of place where you'll not get uneasy. In fact, you could feel the humble aura surrounding the place.

"Rosie?" Shocked by the sudden mentioning of my name by my mom, I turned. Meeting her hazel-colored eyes

"Yes mom?"

"Would you like to buy us some coffee… and latté? Or whatever you want as long as it’s good for 8."

Here she goes again. I know she's going to give me errands. Oh, moms

"And you can also jog." She added, wiggling her natural perfectly-shaped eyebrows

Defeated, I sighed and uttered a simple"okay"


None of those adjectives can describe this place. I literally am speechless. Plus, I surely will give my mom a big hug upon coming home for asking me to buy some coffee and latté.

'This town could actually get better if the season was spring' a small part in my head suggests

I sat in an unbelievably jaw-dropping artistic wooden chair, indulging myself with the place's pleasant stuff.

When we were at the downtown, I never had the chance to see good things our planet has. All I could see was the party, job, school, gadgets, and of course the undying internet.

I was so drowned with my own little world full of fallacies and facades. Caring about nothing but the material and temporary happiness

"Hi." I looked up only to see a guy employee/barista beaming at me

"I see you're very amazed with this town. You must be new here." I accidentally gaped at him for he is wearing a British accent. So freaking smexy!

"Yeah sure" However, I chose to keep mum. Sorry, not used with talking to strangers

“So, what’s your order Ms….?”

Feeling awkward with the situation- most especially with the ‘gaping’ shit part, I still made a response to the guy since that’s the only reason (but that was earlier… oops) why I’m here

“Oh that… Call me Rosie, and as for my order, I would like to have 4 Café Americano, 2 Vanilla Latte, and 2 Espresso all for Tall please. Thank you.”

“That's all?”

“Yes.” Then he gave the paper where he listed my order to another tall guy employee. Okaaay, why?

He turned to me again and started to chat with me

"By the way, I'm Calv. Single at the moment but I think I wouldn't be if you would let me date you."

Weirded out, I furrowed my eyebrows and said,

"Wow you must be something. You're creeping me out, and you must be a man's lady." I stated without further ado.

He burst out in laughter upon hearing my sudden frankness. His laughter only subsided when my drinks finally arrived and the tall guy employee gave it to me.

"I enjoyed talking and meeting you but I guess you don't really like talking to a handsome guy like me. By the way, here's your coffee Miss Rosie. Enjoy and please come back pretty young lady." And geez, if any other people would hear him talking like this while winking, I’m pretty sure they would freak out as well.

Thank goodness, I was surrounded and used to a lot of people’s flirtatious acts because I swear I could’ve lost my composure for he is truly adorable.

"Yeah sure. Thanks. Whatever" I uttered silently, not minding whether he heard what I’ve said or not.






Because all I want to do next is to walk out of that café’s premises

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