Chapter 2- Finding Out

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Valentina's POV

Once I smelt his scent I quickly turned away and went straight for my class. I burst into the room and sat down, ignoring the stares I got. 

I sat down in the very back because lets be honest who likes the front.

The minutes that painfully went by  was killing me literately. 

I snapped out of my daze when the bell run and I rushed to the gym because boy was that my favorite class ever. I saw the girls and jumped on them not making them fall though. "Lets  get changed!" I barked and rushed to the girls locker room. 

I changed into grey sweets and black sports bra with a red tank top. 

I walked out and looked around and frowned my eyebrows seeing how many people were looking at us, what I mean by people was unmated male wolves. I shot them a glare before walking over where our teacher was.

"Today we will play volley ball. Then we will wrestle." The teacher stated and some people groaned and whined while I smiled widely which was odd for me to do.

Girls were going to be second to play. So me and the girls sat down on the top and watch carefully. Mostly us three watching a certain three males. I watched Leon carefully and studied his every movement.

He went to spike the ball and I smiled but when I met his gaze, the smile I once had was gone. 

A few minutes passed and Leon's team won. I stood up getting ready to play. But I stopped once I saw something that pained me very badly.

Leon was kissing Vanessa, the sluttiest slut in the whole school. Star was scratching me wanting to come out and rip her up to pieces but I controlled her.

I shook my head and walked down to the teacher. 

I glanced at Scarlet and see a glint of sadness and her eyes were switching back and forth from blue to pink. I had a questioning look on my face until I snapped back to reality. "...........Scarlet, Stella, and Valentina on team two." The teacher said and we all went to our side.

I was positioned in the middle blocker, while Scarlet was setter, and Stella was libero.

We all got getting and I saw Vanessa smirk at me. 

"No one will beat me and my team. So just give up little one." She smirked and I just returned the smirk.

Scarlet serves the ball and I watched the ball very carefully until I had the chance to spike the ball and once I did. It made a loud noise making the other appoints flinched. "One point for the right team!"

It went on and on. I knew Vanessa was trying to aim and hit at me and that got to my last nerves. Once I had the chance to spike the ball, I aimed it towards Vanessa and it it hard. 

Our team won while Vanessa laid on the ground with a broken nose. 

I heard a load growl behind me and heavy foot steps. I was spun around and met with an angry Leon. But when he touched me sparks was sent through my body and I pushed him roughly. 

"What do you want?!" I said angrily.

"What do I want?!" He said now even more furious.

"Yes you heard me, you little alpha." I yelled back.

He had enough of my disrespect to him as an alpha and he lunged at me. 

I lunged at him and both of us threw a punch at the same time and now I lost control and my eyes turned blood red. 

I herd gasp from people as they saw my eyes. 

I felt my claws come out and my canines extend. 

I gripped onto Leon and threw him to the wall. 


The anger disappeared in me and I fell on my knees next to him. I looked at him in fear.

'We lost control and hurt our mate.' Star whimpered and I did too. 

"VALENTINA BLACKWOOD AND LEON GRAY TO THE PRINCIPLE OFFICE RIGHT NOW!" The teacher yelled and I lowered my head and followed Leon as we walked to principle's office.

Leon swung the door open. "Alpha Leon and-"

I met the principle eyes and he went on one knee bowing his head at me. "Red Coated Nine Tails, Valentina Blackwood. Pleased to meet you." He said with his hand on his heart as respect for me.

I glanced at Leon and he looked shocked at the four words 'Red Coated Nine Tails' I just sighed "Stand up and lets get this over with."

The principle nodded and sat down on his chair and told us to sit down. "So what happened and why is Leon bleeding?" He asked. Leon was about to answer but I cut him off and started,

"We got int a fight because Leon was getting me mad because  I made his oh so poor girlfriend bleed. But he didn't know that, him caring for her and not me pained me because we are mates. I also was already pissed off because his stupid friends named Phoenix Blackman and Ace Levine was also hurting my friends because they are also the boys mates. But we can't say that we all are mates so just painfully watch.She said no one could beat her when e were getting read for the volleyball game so that made me mad. She also was aiming to hit me with the ball so I gave her what she deserves." I said and then froze. 

"We are mates?" Leon asked while he placed his hand on my hand to find out and there it was the sparks. "Mate." I heard him say in a low voice and dragged me out.

He pinned me against the locker and looked down at me. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He said and caressed my cheek. 

"I don't want you as a mate! I don't want to feel pain! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore! Just forget everything today! Go back to being happy and knowing nothing! You shouldn't be near me! Just leave my life!" I yelled with tears rolling down my eyes. I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes before turning and running out of school.

I dashed for the woods and kept running and running. 

Hours of running I felt my legs go limp and gave up on me. I fell down near a river and closed my eyes. Tears wouldn't stop running down my face.

"I'm sorry Leon, I can't be your mate. I'm sorry you have me as your mate. I'm sorry that your pack won't have a good Luna. I-I just can't. I won't let my sufferings get to you. I don't want to show you that the Red Coated Nine Tails is actually weak and not powerful. I'm sorry I can't be beautiful. Moon Goddess I beg you to give Leon Gray a new mate. He deserves better. He deserves a strong Luna by him. He needs someone who knows how to love. P-please." Those were my last words before the darkness engulfed me.

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