'it must have been somthing'

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I walked back to where John was standing and we had to take a few more shots of the supports before people came in, I must say the pictures were great. When I finished I walked back to my room and saved the pictures onto my Laptop so that I still had them if anything happened to my camera and so that I had more Memory for the night.
"Oh there you are Kelsie" that familiar Scottish accent spoke 
"Here I am, hey Barry wassup" I said, popping the p.
"Well the supports don’t go on for a while so do you wanna come sit in our dressing room?"
Play it cool Kels. Play. It. Cool.
"Sure, love to" i smiled and grabbed my camera before leaving with Barry.

We walked to the guys dressing room and i could hear shouting from down the hall. Barry opened the door and shouted over the others "guys! I brought a friend" the boys looked over and smiled and all said "hey" in sync. Barry offered me a Seat on the sofa which i gladly accepted. I leant forward to safely put my camera on the table and as i sat back i noticed a pressence by my side...oh god it was him. Sam. Come on now Kelsie don’t be an idiot.

"Hey, Kelsie right" his Scottish accent sounded beautiful, the way he said my name- oh god. 
"Uh yeah, hey" I smiled sheepishly.
"Aww you’re blushing" he laughed and I automatically covered my cheeks.
"I can’t help being a huge fan" I laughed.

We sat and talked for a while, he learnt about me and I learnt a lot about him- I thought I knew lots about him but I was surprised at how little I actually knew. Before I knew it I heard the first Song by nothing but thieves start to play. 
"Oh shit!" I gasped "I gotta go" I said quickly picking up my camera and stood up.
"Come back after?" Sam asked. He wanted me to come back. He wanted to talk to me. He actually liked me.
"Sure" I smiled.
"Promise?" He added, pouting like a puppy.
"Promise" I laughed and ran out the room to get to the stage.

Once I got there they had finished their first song. I took various shots from the side of the stage then moved to stand in front of the stage, just in front of the crowd. As I was looking through the camera I noticed something off to the side, out of sight to the fans. I zoomed in and noticed who it was, it was Sam. As soon as he noticed I had the camera aimed at him he pulled a face which I couldn't help but laugh at. One of the guys from nothing but thieves looked at me and turned around when I looked at Sam, then realised what I was laughing at and laughed too.

The guys set finished their set and I went back to upload the pictures. It came to Sam's picture and I couldn't help but laugh.

"You broke our promise" Sam's voice bounced around the room.
I looked up and smiled 
"Sorry, I was just finishing up then I was going to come through." I signalled to the laptop.
"Oh look it's me" he smiled. Then he grabbed my camera and began looking through, I almost screamed. No one gets to touch my camera; I get scared they will drop it. Sam must have noticed the panic on my face and put the strap around his neck so he didn't drop it. This did settle my nerves but still, it's my baby.
"You’re really good" he smiled as he looked up at me.
"Thanks" I replied and I walked over to look at the pictures.
Sam then turned the camera to me and began taking pictures. I instantly pulled my hands up and covered my face.
"I'm used to being on the other side of the camera" I said- it came out muffled due to my hands covering my mouth.
"Aww ok, at least let me have a picture with you" he said. I was in shock. Sam wants a picture with me; it should be the other way around.
I went and stood beside him as he started taking selfies. We took multiple and changed our facial expression each time. He had his hand around my waist and suddenly began tickling my side.
I jolted into Sam and ended up with my head muzzled into his chest. Then I heard the camera.
"This one's my favourite" he spoke as I lifted my head up. He showed me a picture of me smiling into his chest as he looked down at me smiling. It was cute not going to lie.
"You'll have to send me that" he whispered and I just smiled, in awe over the whole situation.

We walked back to the guy’s dressing room and sat back where we were before and were again just talking.

Part way through the conversation I noticed Sam's tattoos. I knew he had them and I knew they were there but I just forgot, but now they were right here in front of me I couldn’t help but stare.

“Earth to Kelsie…” Sam said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“I jolted my head up to look at him and smiled.

“Sorry, I was just looking at your tattoos” I sheepishly said, I didn’t want him to think I was creepy.

“It’s cool, have you got any?” Sam asked. I replied with a shake of my head.

“No, I always wanted one but, I don’t know, something is stopping me. Maybe it’s the pain and not having anyone to go with or something. Or maybe the fact that it’s permanent.” I explained.

“Well, what would you get if you did get one?” Sam asked, looking genuinely interested in the conversation.

“A dream catcher, on my shoulder” I smiled and the thought and the meaning.

“Why?” he asked.

“I’m going to sound so cheesy” I blushed

“Go on…” he smiled.

“Well, just as a reminder to always follow my dreams. The real meaning of a dreamcatcher is that all the bad things get tangled in it and then when the sun rises, the bad things are burnt. So it would kind of be to clear the negativity from my life.” I slightly smiled and looked down, remembering all the bad things.

“What bad things?” Sam asked. I looked up and a single tear fell from my eye, which he wiped away. And pulled me into a hug.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me” he whispered so no one else heard.

“Thank you, it’s just I’ve never told anyone what happened.”

“Not even your family?” he spoke

“I haven’t seen them in almost 6 years” I trailed off

“What about friends?”

“I don’t really have any, I have one and he doesn’t even know” I replied, we were still hugging and the other guys hadn’t even noticed.

We pulled apart and Sam looked at me with worried eyes. I just smiled and looked back.

“You know, I could take you to go get that tattoo if you’d like?” same asked, sounding slightly nervous.

“Seriously? That would be great, I’d love to” I screamed and hugged him, which he accepted.

“You’d love to what?” Barry asked, making up jolt apart due to shock and being scared of the fact Barry suddenly spoke.

“I’m taking Kels to get a tattoo done” Sam declared. Barry looked at me and smiled like a 14 year old when you find out your friend likes someone. I just laughed and grabbed my camera.

“I have to go, the X-certs are coming on in a minute” I said as I stood up.

“Ok, are you com-” Sam Started

“If I must” I finished. He smiled and hugged me, I said bye to the others and left.

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