Happier than I was before, I'm hoping now your here i'm able to handle it

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**"I've wanted to do that since we saw you on the stage before the show" he whispered.

"Well I'm like a massive fan girl so this is the kind of thing I dream about daily" I joked and Sam let out a loud laugh.

"Well I'm honoured that you dream about me" he replied still laughing and pulled me into a tight hug.**

Today is the day. Today is the day, I Kelsie some random 23 year old who is obsessed with twin Atlantic, goes on a European tour with the band I have been obsessing over for years. I honestly don't know how I'm so lucky!

I'm currently driving to the final venue of their UK tour, and when I say driving I mean I'm being driven in an uber (not sure how you sell it, it's a car you can hire like a taxi but nicer) so I wouldn't have to worry about my car. This is amazing, I've not even set off for the tour and already I'm star struck, I could get used to this!

After what felt like a 10 minute drive because of pure excitement we arrived at the venue. I could contain my excitement, I ran out of the car and quickly made my way to the boot to get my bags. Just as I was about to retrieve them the driver came over and grabbed them before I could.

"Go. I've got them, I can see you're excited" he said with a smile. I laughed and thanked him before running inside, after showing my photographer pass, and made my way to the stage. It was so cool in here! I couldn't wait for the crowd to get here and take pictures of the guys.

Their manager came over to me as I was looking around, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It's nice isn't it?" Shirley asked (I know that's not her name but I don't know her name, so I've renamed her for the sake of this story).

"Amazing" I replied in awe.

She laughed at my reply and we chatted for a few minutes about the night and what would happen.

"Well, your bags are on the bus ready to go to the airport tonight. Let me show you to your room, your laptop and camera are in there waiting for you" she smiled and began walking, signalling for me to follow.

We made our way backstage and after a few minutes I was presented with a small room that had a sofa, snacks table and area for my stuff. As Shirley said, my laptop and camera were there waiting. I thanked her and began sorting my camera, clearing any unneeded pictures and uploading the others onto my laptop. After 10 minutes I heard everyone doing their sound check, I decided now would be a great time to go through to see the support acts again. I made my way back to the stage with little difficulty and went and stood in front of the stage watching nothing but thieves. The all noticed me and waved.

"I hear your coming with to Europe" one of them spoke, before I realised who it was. I just nodded in reply so I didn't embarrass myself trying to find out which one of them actually spoke to me.

"Get back to your sound check!" I shouted in a sarcastic tone and a slight laugh. They smiled in reply and began to play another song. With that I made my way backstage again and noticed Ross stood by the door watching the guys.

"Kelsie!" he shouted over the music, bringing me into a hug. I accepted the hug and as we parted shouted "Ross!" as we both laughed.

He brought me to their dressing room and I was greeted by each of the boys. Sam was last to greet me and gave me a long hug, nothing had happened since that night at my house. It wasn't awkward, we just haven't seen each other much and I'm guessing he hadn't told the guys about it, other than Barry who was there of course.

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