~☆Chapter 9☆~

Start from the beginning

"Your brother..?" Shoto's eyes were wider than the holes I had left in the ground.

"Oh.. Yeah. Guess now you know what I meant by "You have no idea how horrible they really are, huh?" I let out a sad laugh. "As horrible as he is..." I Pause, my eyes almost overflowing with tears. "I still love him."

Shoto's eyes soften. 'She still loves him after all of that?'

"I know its crazy, but he's still my brother." I look at the two of them, Izuku was now full on crying, and Shoto just looked away painfully.

Suddenly, the door slams open and most of class 1A runs in, shouting my name in almost perfect unison.

Kirishima and Bakugo were a minute late, as Kiri had to drag Bakugo inside.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Kiri calls, dragging the angry Pomeranian inside.

They all start talking at the same time as they surrounded my bed, telling me about how cool I was and how I kicked ass, and what happened after I lost consciousness. And without warning, Mina squealed.

"When we saw Todoroki catch you, me and Uraraka immediately shipped you two!" She shakes Uraraka.

I felt my face flush red, and Shoto looked almost as red as his hair.

"M-Mina! Uraraka!" Izuku squeaks.

"What?!" Mina exclaims. "Its true! Oh oh! (Y/N)! You shoulda seen how mad Todoroki was after Midoriya managed to get you to safety!"

I let out a small giggle. "You guys are insane."

"We're all crazy here."


About 5 minutes after the bell rings, I slam open the door to my classroom, 1A.

"Alright, what did I miss?"

"Your late." The Mummy growls.

"THATS WHAT YOUR CONCERNED ABOUT?!" Alot of the class shouted.

"I know im late. Gomenasai, the traffic from the hospital was horrid, sensei." I curtly bow.

He scoffs. "Sit down."

I nod, heading to my seat behind Shoto.

"I know your all excited for the Sports Festival," He pauses. "And most of the staff, and even (Y/N) herself, has decided it would be best for her not to participate nor go to the Sports Festival." Aizawa announces, causing protests to arise from the students.

"But she saved All Might! She deserves to participate!"

"Shes really powerful! You cant just leave her out of it!"

"That isnt fair! (Y/N) why did you agree to this?"

All the eyes turned to her.

I let out a sigh. "None of you realize exactly what the League is capable of, and if that man wants me back, then he'll stop at nothing to make that happen. As long as I'm around people in public, Im a ticking time bomb." I growl, surprising most of the students.

"'back?'" Hagakure asks. "What do you mean, 'back'?"

I visibly flinched, along with Izuku and Shoto.

"Thats not important." Aizawa saves the day. "Whats important now is training. Go get your uniforms on and go to the training feild."


"Overhaul." The older Shimura's voice rings through the bar. "Whats the status of my sister?"

"Shes perfectly fine. She isnt participating in the Sports Festival, and will be kept far away from the place in general, though it would not be wise to attack, as I feel she is heavily guarded." Kai growls. "Now. My payment?"

The boy throws a large wad of cash towards the man with the mask, who caught it, smiling slightly.

"Pleasure doing business with you." He turns around, but pauses. "What do you even want with her?"

Shigaraki turns to the male. "Shes a girl with an insanely powerful quirk. Not only that, shes my sister." He responds simply. "Thats it, no more, no less."


(A/N) this chapter is late

Sorry for any errors in the typing. Ive been typing on phone this whole time and it doesnt show alot of the glitches.

Cya for tomorrows chapter!

With Love~

Word Count: 1203

☆BREAKING THE ICE☆ shouto todoroki [ √ ]Where stories live. Discover now