Chapter 1 - Peace at Last

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Nova lightly punched Adrian from where they stood on top of the float. He was laughing and pointing at one of the younger men in the crowd. He was wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants and a comical imitation of her facemask.

"Don't laugh, Adrian. I'm allowed to have fans, aren't I?" She neglected to acknowledge the sign the man was holding asking for her hand in marriage, of course.

"Only if they aren't trying to take you away from me," Adrian laughed back. They were soon past the young proposer and happily gazing into each other's eyes. Adrian would on occasion look down to either Ruby, Oscar, or Danna. This of course drove Nova's attention to the float in front of them where, amid his glass city, sat Max Everhart, no longer The Bandit. There wasn't much chance that Max would ever be the same, though he had become best friends with Jade and Sterling, Ruby's younger twin brothers.

Just as the twins popped into her mind, the float rounded a corner and she could see a tree above the crowd, inexplicably growing out of a wall. Sitting amidst its branches was Jade Tucker, alias Green Machine, and Sterling Tucker, alias Silver Snake. Jade had gained nature powers, able to grow plants and manipulate them, while Sterling had gained super agility. He could leap nearly as far as the Sentinel, quickly scale a wall even Nova would struggle to climb, he was extremely flexible, and he even had a low degree of super strength. He was the essence of a super human.

They had nailed in a large banner that showed their support of Red Assassin and Smokescreen as a couple.

    "Redsmoke for the win!!!"

    Nova knew it wasn't often that your superhero sister brought home a superhero boyfriend. Not that they weren't superheroes now too. The next trials were scheduled in the next week, and she knew the two of them had been some of the first few to sign up.

"Well, we can't let them get all the cheers, now can we?" Adrian whispered in her ear as Oscar made a heart in the air out of smoke and pierced it with a cupid style arrow. Nova turned to him and grasped both his hands, welcoming the contact that she had only just begun getting used to.

"We should let them have their moment of glory," Nova whispered back.

"Nah," Adrian breathed before she rose to meet him. She smiled as she pulled away from the kiss and listened to the wild cheering. Oscar was giving the two of them a glare but he held his cane high and Nova had a feeling they were about to be one upped. Ruby swung her line and it wrapped around his cane. He then used the same move she had just seen him do at the gala. He reeled her across the float, and when she reached him, he stepped up to her and pressed his lips against hers. They swept low with the overdramatic flare typical of the two and Nova laughed as the crowd screamed. Many of them seemed like they were a higher pitch than Supersonic's scream.

"Well, I guess we can't even take away the attention from those two," Adrian chuckled in her ear before kissing her again. The same lightning that bolted across her skin every time he so much as touched her hadn't faded, and she hoped it never would.

The rest of the parade was more of the same cheering and screaming. Even Danna had a few fans amongst the crowd. As the float came to a stop, the cacophony of the crowd faded and they were greeted by Max Everhart, who had been on the float immediately before them, and the Renegade council.

"Well, I'm not sure who had more cheers, their council or their favorite heroes," Max laughed. It was weird seeing him walking around still, especially with his glass city float. Max was now living at the Everhart mansion with Adrian and their dads.

"I think Ruby and Oscar outdid us all," Danna said as she stepped down from her corner of their star shaped float.

"Well of course we did," Oscar piped up, "We had me." This earned him a glare from Ruby before he quickly added, "and Ruby. She was the one that was really awesome."

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