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The next morning music was blaring through Sweets trailer as I fixed breakfast. Sweets came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist making me jump. He kissed my neck with a chuckle.
  "Morning" he reached above me to get a coffee mug before moving to fix him a cup. I glared at him making him just smile and give  me a kiss. "Cheer up buttercup"
  "I made breakfast, but I don't think I should share now" I said as I stuck my tongue out at him making him chuckle.
"Keep it up I will put that tongue to good use" He said as he turn to the coffee pot and started making him a cup of joe.
"Ew"Toni groan from the sofa turning over facing the back of it making us laugh.
"Hey your the one who crashed on my sofa you could of went home last night Topez" He said making her shoot him the middle finger.
"I have work to head out for work in a few breakfast is done." I said as I set the plates out on the table. Toni just groan making me roll my eyes as Sweet came join me to eat with two cups of coffee one for me and one for him. Once we finish eating I headed out to work. It was still pretty early in the morning when I arrived. I notice Fred set at a table and gave him a small polite smile before going get my work close on.
  "What can I get you today Fred" I asked as I made my way out of the bathroom.
  "I am good for now sweetheart. Archie going to be meeting me soon." He said
  "How bout this I get y'all normal started up then so it be ready when he gets here."
  "There he is that would be great hun" I nod and made my way to the counter letting Pops know the order. Archie walked in and went to the bathroom. The bell rang again as I was whipping the counter down.
  "Welcome to.." I gasp as I looked up and took a step back.
  "Where the safe" A guy said wearing a mask with holes cut out for the eyes. A gun was pointed at my head.
  "T-there no safe" I shuttered out I glance to see Fred slowly standing up. I shock my head no but he ignored it. I felt Pops place a hand on my shoulder moving me aside as he went into the register. The man moved the gun to him and was yelling at me to make my way from behind the counter. On shaken legs I did as he said as I notice Archie making his way out of the bathroom. I slowly inched my way to where I was standing in front of him blocking the guys view. He turned to us and started yelling at Fred for his wallet he moved closer to where I was standing with Archie a few feet behind me. When the gun was pointed to Fred I dove as a loud sound was heard. Every thing flashed white before coming back in view with black dot floating around. Every thing seem to move in slow motions as I felt some one arms wrap around me. The bell above the door rang as I was later on the floor and Fred face came into view. The ringing in my ears didn't stop but I could see his lips moving as he turn to some one else. I felt like I was flying as I was lifted up closing my eyes I groan again laying my head on his shoulder.
"Stay awake Malaya keep those eyes open." My eyes snapped open as I heard his voice. "Archie I need you to keep pressure on her wound."
"Dad you was stabbed you can't..." Fred cut him off.
"And she was shot Archie get in put pressure to the wound." He demanded before getting in the driver seat. Once to the hospital Fred stumbles his way into the hospital. I couldn't keep my eyes open any more. You never know when your last good by to your love one could be. Flashes of the last time I saw my dad was playing seeing him being pulled away from me in cuffs.
They say when you die everything flashes before your eyes. I think it more you know your at your end so you try to think of all the good times and the people you love before it's just darkness. Darkness is at the stage I am in. I don't feel pain it's like all my senses decided to say fuck you in that very moment. I would die for any one if it ment they had one more day with those they care about. I would do it for any parent who love thier kid just so they could have one more minute and their kid can feel the love they have for them. I was never afraid of death but of what is to come after death.

Down by the River (riverdale fan fiction)(under edit)Where stories live. Discover now