Sweetpea Pov request

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I smiled as she left for work Toni chuckled. "It's so weird still. Seeing you both finally give in to the feeling you both try to hide." She moved to where she was sitting at the table with her breakfast.

"I am going to go work on my bike" I said with a scuff before walking out the door.

One thing about living in a town like Riverdale the Southside is the side that everything bad happens. So when bad happens on the Northside it doesn't take long until that news is heard. The radio is playing some rock music on the only channel the keep thing could connect to as I work on my bike.

Just some simple mantance to keep it running smoothly. My trailer door slams open just as Hogeye Bike skids to a stop in front of my trailer.

"There been a shooting at pops," Toni says as she runs out the door, making me sit up fast and hit my head against my bike. My heart starts pounding in my chest as I look towards Hogeye as Fang pulled up next to him.

"Come on, it's Malaya." I droped every thing and jumped on my bike as Toni did the same, and we all speeded to the hospital. Jughead was waiting outside when we pulled up. I jumped off my bike, not even worrying about the stand Fang reached out so it didn't fall to the ground.

"How is Malaya?" Jughead eyes were red as ge looked at me.

"She is in surgery. From what I was told, she jumped in front of the bullet. Look, I got a favor to ask. Can you all ask around the Southside if you all have the in on that side of town just keeps an ear out." I  scuffed and balled my fist ready to hit him, but Hogeye pulled me back, pushing me into Fang, who grabbed my arm, stopping me for jumping on this idiot. He pulled me into the hospital with Toni as Hogeye talked to Jughead. I could see Jughead friend Archie in the waiting room.

"What are they doing here?" One of his friends asked as we went to the desk.

"That's Malaya's boyfriend," Archie said as he stood to his feet. He walked up to us. "Hey um she in surgery." I could see he was covered in blood. I just froze, stairing at him, wondering if it was Malayas.

"Is she ok?" Toni asked nervously to hear the news. "What happened is that her blood." Tears collected in his eyes as he nodded.

"Uh, I don't know. My dad and I were in for breakfast. I arrived late and went into the bathroom. When I came out a man in a mask was standing at the counter pointing a gun at her asking for a safe. Pops pulled her behind him and started getting the cash from the register  he made Malaya come around the counter, and she stood in front of me. It all happened so fast he turned to my dad asking for his wallet, and the next thing I knew she- she was jumping in front of him. The gun went off, and she dropped. The guy stabbed my dad and took off. My dad had me hold the wound, and we got her to the truck headed this way. When we arrived, she passed out as they brought her in, and my dad dropped his self." I punched a wall nearby, making everyone flintch and stormed back out of the hospital. Hogeye still was talking to Jughead as I went up and explained to him what had happened lowly.

"Toni, you stay here. Call with any update."He looked at me as I nodded and headed for my bike, knowing. It was time to hunt this bastard down who hurt our Serpent Queen. They will pay with their last breath.


Sorry that it is so short and sweet but I ask asked for his point of veiw. I am slowly starting to get more post in. The whole staying in Louisiana to fix my childhood home was a bust thanks to Ida who damage the trailer to the point it is not livable.

Down by the River (riverdale fan fiction)(under edit)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя