Yakubo Mio Shika! (A [sudden] × Reader fic)

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I saw her first at a concert.

She was with some other fans who, I assume, were her friends. She was a distance away from me, not close enough to clearly hear what they talk about but close enough to hear bits of it.

Even with all the other voices, I can distinguish which voice is hers. It sounded loud, not too loud but like, a voice you wouldn't ignore if you hear her talk. She also talks fast and makes gestures while talking.

I glanced at her again and she was holding 2 penlights. It seems she was really excited for this.

The lights turned off and I could barely see anything. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I can somewhat see what was in front of me.

The concert was about to start, the screen on the middle and at the sides of the stage flashed the number 46 as it started to count down. The audience were hyped now as they started counting down too.

As it reached 0, the monitors dimmed out and the roar of the audience just became louder. The Overture started to play and the concert has officially begun.

All throughout the concert, I keep glancing at the girl a few seats away from me.

She was really hyped up for this concert I couldn't help but get as excited as she was. I held up my own penlights and wrapped my towel around my next and sang along with the song.

All throughout the concert, the same girl was saying- well, more like shouting, the chants of each song (if they had any) and frantically waved at any member that passed by.

All in all, it was fun to watch her while enjoying the concert. It felt like it made the concert 100 times more fun.


The concert just ended.

The lights were on and the stage was now just filled with staffs that were checking the equipment.

I looked over to where that girl was sitting.

For some reason, she was alone now. I looked around to see if her 'friends' were anywhere. Looks like they were just fans that decided to talk to her that time.

She looked exhausted but with a smile on her face. I thought about approaching her but it would be pretty strange if I came up to her with no particular reason. I shook the thought out of my head and proceeded to fix my things before going.

Not a second later, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to see the same girl I was just thinking of approaching. She looked nervous and was fidgeting

"May I help you?" I said politely, not wanting to sound scary or intimidating. It seemed that it helped her calm down a bit as I saw her sigh in relief. I just chuckled softly

"Um..." she started "I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you but, can you help me look for something?" She looked restless so I nodded at her request.

"What is it that you're looking for?" First step in looking for something is to know what you're looking for after all(duh.) She started fidgeting again "M-my wallet..." she lowered her head, ashamed.

"It must have fallen from my pocket during the live but I've already looked near my seat but I can't find it anywhere" she raised her head a bit so I could see her face, it looks like she's about to cry. "Don't worry, it must have been kicked somewhere farther away. I'll help you look for it so don't cry, okay?" I softly smiled at her. She just gave me a small nod.

"But before we try and find it, can you tell me what it looks like?" Her face had a look of realization, she hadn't realize she never became detailed about it.

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