Cupid (Yuukanen)

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Akane was annoyed.

It was the weekend, meaning her wife shouldn't have any work. That means they have the whole day to themselves.

At least, that's what was suppose to happen. Instead, she's there sitting on the sofa, watching whatever's on TV and beside her was her wife, Yuuka, who was busy giving her cat attention rather than her lover.

Yuuka was making kissing faces to an annoyed looking Tom. Tom just lets his mom do whatever though since he's probably already used to it even before they dated and got married.

Akane breathed out a sigh. She leaned on the armrest, propping her head with her hand and continued to watch what was on TV.

A little while later, Yuuka's phone started ringing as she was spoiling her cat, Tom curled up on her lap while she pets him. She nudged Tom off her and proceeded to answer the call.

Akane just watches Yuuka leave the room until she was out of site. She heard a meow beside her.

She looked beside her and saw Tom looking at her, head tilted to the side. "What?" she asked the cat, her tone obviously irritated.

Tom wasn't fazed, instead he casually went on Akane's lap and curled up, enjoying the warmth his other master emits.

Akane just lets out a huff but doesn't do anything about it and starts to pet the cat soon after. Not long after, Yuuka walks into the room, face already looking stressed.

She plopped down beside Akane and rests her head on her shoulder. Akane wastes no time wrapping an arm around her lover.

"What's wrong? Something happen in the company?" Akane asked. Yuuka didn't immediately answer, settling to savor her lover's warmth before parting with her later.

"Yeah, a really important client called the office and said he needed to speak to me urgently about the project. I can't really decline so I have to go to the company today." She looked sad, probably because she wasn't going to spend the whole day with the people she loves as planned.

Akane pulled her closer and gave her a soft kiss on the head. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure it'll be fine." a mewl came from Tom "See? Even Tom agrees!" That made Yuuka laugh.

"If you have to leave, it's best you get ready now." Akane advised. Reluctantly, Yuuka pulled away from Nen and went upstairs to get ready.

In about an hour, Yuuka was in her office attire and was ready to go. "I don't know what time I'll be back but you don't have to wait for me, okay?" she came closer to Nen, who was in the kitchen making something for lunch.

She gave her a quick kiss the went to Tom, who was on top of the kitchen table and gave him a small kiss on the head. She waved at them and went off to work.

Nen let out a sigh and looked back at Tom, who was licking his paw. "Tom! If you're gonna clean yourself, don't do it on the dining table!" She scolded Tom and scooted him off the table.

She set down her lunch on the table and sat down. "Thank you for the food." she mumbled and was ready to dig in.

Until Tom called for her attention. She looked beside her and saw Tom looking back. Tom, then, went on one of the chairs and sat on it. He faced Nen again, like she should know what he's trying to say already.

With a sigh, Akane got up from her seat, took a can of tuna out of the cabinet, opened it and set it down in front of the sophisticated cat Yuuka had manage to raise. "Like owner like pet, I guess." She said as she looked at Tom who was quietly eating before continuing her own meal.


After lunch, Nen cleaned up the table and sat down on the sofa, Tom in tow. Tom made his way to Akane's lap and sat there facing her. Akane gave the cat a questionable look "Why do you always sit on my lap? There's plenty of space on the sofa for you to sleep in."

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