"Hyung," I whisper.


OK, he's awake for sure. There's not a hint of sleepiness in his voice. That almost startled me a bit. Did I mess everything up by speaking to him? I hope not. 

"Just wanted to see if you were awake," I say quietly and he just hums in response without moving as much as an inch. 

I don't dare to move anymore. He's clearly awake, so he must be aware of what I'm trying to do here. But if he's not telling me to stop then maybe he doesn't mind? But what if he's just scared to tell me off? No... if Seokjin disliked what I'm doing he wouldn't think twice before yelling at me or slapping me in the face. That's just how he is. Then... is it alright for me to continue? I get the feeling it's best if I ask first, but I doubt he'd say yes if I asked if I can touch his dick. Whatever. I'll take my chances of being slapped. It's now or never. 

I prepare myself for some kind of reaction as I place my hand right on top of his crotch, but there's nothing. He stays as still as before without a word. My heart is beating like crazy and I'm nervous as fuck. I have my hand on his dick. I'm actually touching Seokjin's dick! 

But I feel like I'm missing something here. It drives me crazy that he's not doing anything at all. What if he thinks I'm molesting him and is actually too scared to do something about it? I can't do this unless I get his approval. It's not right. I'm so nervous I could shit myself, but I need to form some kind of sentence.

"Um, is it OK with you if I... do this?" 

My voice is so incredibly small because of my nerves and the tension in the room, but Seokjin definitely heard me nonetheless. I hear him take in a small breath before quietly humming in approval and nodding his head. It's a very vague answer to a very vague question, but I'll take it. 

With the most gentle movements possible I start feeling him through his pants and can quickly conclude that he's not hard, although to be fair I haven't actually done anything yet. Unlike me he probably doesn't get turned on by the smallest things. 

I feel around a little and get a pretty good idea of how he's shaped down there. He tucks it to the right in his underwear. I don't know why, but that information really gets to me. In an attempt to keep quiet I press my forehead against his shoulder blade while biting my lip. I'm definitely getting more out of this than he is and I feel kind of bad. It's as if I'm using him. 

None of us make a sound as I gently keep rubbing against his crotch with my hand. I have a strong feeling he doesn't like it and just goes along with it for the time being just to please me or something. He must think I'm a desperate loser because he's not turned on at all, but me on the other hand... I can feel my member stiffening in my pants with every passing second. I make sure to keep my hips away from him in hopes of him not noticing. 

I can't believe this is actually happening though. Even if he's just doing it to be kind, Seokjin is letting me touch him. I've seen him turn down countless people who wanted to date him or spend the night with him, and yet he's letting me do this to him. Is it because we're close to each other? Because he trusts me? I've never actually heard of Seokjin being with anyone. He's a fun guy, but most of the time he keeps to himself. Clearly there are a lot of things I don't know about him.

But damn, this is frustrating. Why won't he get hard? I feel like I'm about to be fully erect and he's still soft as a noodle. I know alphas get boners more easily, but this is just laughable. Am I that bad at pleasing others? Sure, I've never done this on anyone before, but at least I've done it on myself practically every day. It shouldn't feel awful for him. Do I need to do it harder? Maybe he doesn't like it done so gently?

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