Chapter 16

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Christian POV
I had only fallen asleep when a gun shot was heard which resulted in Twinkle and I jerking awake at the same time. "What was that Christian?" "Relax princess. Come on. We have to go and see. Don't worry, I'll be your shield if something happens." "No. I can protect myself. You may not have trained me a lot but I can still fight in wolf form if needed." We got up and went downstairs after putting on some warm clothes. I gave Twinkle a gun with bullets coated in wolfsbane and took another gun for myself. We went out and there was a commotion outside.

Being as quick as we could, we went through the commotion. At a time, Twinkle fell down because of the pack members hustle. Some even almost knocked me down. Keyword: Almost. They couldn't because of my alpha strength. This was the disadvantage of having 20 000 pack members. When there was a commotion, you couldn't go through it easily and growling won't help. The pack members were equipped with swords which were either dripped in silver or wolfsbane or both. I feared that one of us would get hurt. Curse my bad luck, as it was exactly what happened. Well not exactly, as both of us got hurt but Twinkle was hurt more severely. Oh yes! Let us come back to the reality. We were like halfway the commotion when a pack member ran past me accidentally brushing his sword dripped in silver across my hand which burnt my hand slightly but at the same time a cry of pain coming from Twinkle, got my attention. I turned around and saw her holding her shoulder. "Princess, you okay?" I raised my hand to remove her hand from her shoulder but at the same time, she opened her eyes wide.

"Christian, you are hurt. Give me your hand," she said and removed her hand from her shoulder allowing me to see a bullet wound. She took my hand, put her hand on mine and closed her eyes before mumbling some words which sounded like, "Helium autonomes." When she put her hand back on her shoulder, my hand was completely healed. "Wow. How?" "I'll explain later. Now let us find out the source of this commotion." She did not budge her hand from her shoulder which acted like a shield to her injured shoulder. We were finally able to make it through the crowd and what we saw next shocked both of us. Who could have done this?

Deliah and my mom had been tied to a tree which was extremely high where no one could reach, naked, there were a lot of wounds on their body, an arrow between them which contained a piece of paper and they were just hanging there lifeless. Jackson and my dad were on the floor crying, mourning the loss of their respective mate but anger was clear in their eyes. I dropped to the floor and tears started to flow. My mom was not here. The woman who had held my hand through every circumstances. The woman who had given me courage. Twinkle bent down and hugged me. That was when all my tears started to flow. "My mom, I can't." I said. "Shhh Christian. I understand your pain but I promise that we'll hunt the responsibles down and torture them to avenge the death of mom and Deliah. You have to get yourself together. I know that it is really difficult but you have to. For dad, for your best friend and for your pack." I nodded and we got up before making our way towards my dad and Jackson. "Dad," I said going on my knees and hugging him tightly. "Son, promise me that we will avenge the death of your mom so that her soul rests in peace." "I promise dad." I took a glance at Twinkle who was comforting Jackson. Those bastards were going to pay.

Twinkle POV
On seeing Jackson and dad's state, I wanted to go and rip those fucking ass-holes heads off and shove their heads up their ass. While Christian was comforting dad, I approached Jackson. I sat down next to him. "Teddy bear, I promise that those who did this are going to pay. Not only for Deliah but also for your unborn baby." He looked at me. "Unborn baby?" "Oh, Deliah did not tell you?" He shook to the side his head still crying.

I hugged him and let him cry on my shoulder. I have never seen my idol so weak but I do realise that the death of his mate was the reason. "You had sex two or three weeks ago right?" "Yes," he said in a raspy voice. "When there was the rogues attack, I went to your house to help Deliah. There she told me that she was pregnant and said that she would told you next week for your birthday." On hearing this,he started to cry more. "Come on. Get a hold of yourself. I'll take Deliah and mom's bodies down the tree." "How? It's too high." "Wait. Come with me first." We walked towards dad after I finally convinced Jackson to get up from the ground. "Dad, I don't know how you are feeling right now but I promise that those fuckers are going to pay. Now get a hold of yourself and come with me. I can get mom's body along with Deliah's body down." He nodded and came with me. I put my hands up towards the bodies before closing them into fists which made mom and Deliah's bodies come down. Before they could crash to the ground, I re-opened my hands which made them still where they were. Dad and Jackson took their respective mates into their arms and cried. Christian took the note. "What does it say Christian?" "Those freaking bastards threatened me that if I don't hand you over to them in three weeks, they'll kill more pack members. As if I would hand you to them." "Honey. I have something to tell you." "What?" "You have a lot of powers. If you concentrate really hard, you might be able to put their lives back into the lifeless body. Actually, you will. This was one of the powers that you have but your mom never wrote it down in the diary scared that after Shawn killed her, he might misuse you for your powers." I thanked her and asked dad and Jackson to put the bodies down.

My abused mate (UNDERGOING EDITING FOR MISTAKES)Where stories live. Discover now