Once we broke our kiss I left the guitar in its case and Lauren took food out of the basket she had brought. As soon as she had taken everything out, I heard the sound of a camera behind me. I turned around and saw a man with a big camera in his hands, taking picture after picture of us. Before I could even notice, there were two guys, trying to take shots of us together. Of course, how could we even think of having a picnic in the middle of the park in broad daylight. The girls were not who they were before. The world knew them now, they wanted exclusives about them and wouldn't stop at anything.

When I saw one approaching us more, I spoke. "Miss Cimorelli isn't answering any questions. Now, if you don't mind, we're leaving." I told them as I offered Lauren my hand, grabbed my guitar with the other and began to leave.

The cameras followed us till we reached her hotel and even after we had gone in, they stayed there, waiting for us to come out. We took the elevator and she tried to press the button, but I stopped her, I saw something in her eyes.

"Laur, what's wrong?" I asked her. She looked away as some tears formed in her eyes.

"It's just..." She started. "This may sound stupid but it makes me so mad that they can't give celebrities some privacy. Ever since we've gotten more famous, the press has crushed me. They mob us everywhere we go, once I had to fight with one of them because they wanted to come inside of our house! Why can't they just understand that celebrities are just like them? They need privacy and their own life." She finished and I grabbed her face looking at her right in her eyes.

"Lauren, don't let them bring you down. Show them you are stronger than that. You were really good back there, you could avoid them perfectly. I'm proud of you, but you've gotta promise me you'll try to act like this every time." I said and she nodded. Then I pressed the floor number and she looked at me.

"I just remembered." She said in sudden shock. "My family knows nothing about us. I'm gonna try to avoid them, hopefully Christina won't be in our room and Dani knows. But there's a chance we may encounter them. What am I supposed to say? I mean we're nothing official yet, but I don't really want everyone to know anything if I'm not even sure it will last. And I just don't think I can—"

"Lauren, Lauren, Lauren." I interrupted her grabbing her face. She was speaking at the speed of light. "It will be okay, I'll do what you want me to. If you want us to leave, we'll leave. Just tell me what you want me to do and say." She looked at me attentively and nodded as I let go of her face.

"Could you..." She started saying. "like, if it's awkward or uncomfortable for you just tell me, like I know it can be a weird situation seeing how our relationship is going and—" She began overthinking again.

"Just tell me Laur." I interrupted again. She sighed.

"Could you say we're like officially dating if anyone asks?" She asked shyly. I smiled at her.

"It'd be my pleasure to be your fake boyfriend." I replied, which made her smile too and hug me cheerfully.

Once the doors opened, we reached for her hotel room. Lauren took her key out of her small purse and swiped it. As soon as we got in, there was no sight of Christina. We rushed into the bedroom and found Dani lying on her bed on her phone.

"Hey, Dan." Lauren whispered.

"Hey Laur and..." She started, looking interested. "Ky..." She looked at Lauren and mouthed 'oh my gosh'.

"H-hey!" I blurted out softly.

"We were at the park and some paparazzi showed up so we came here. Thankfully, Christina wasn't there to see us." Lauren explained.

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now