Chapter 22

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Lauren's P.O.V.

I walked into my parents' hotel room with my sisters and we sat at the table with our brothers and parents.

"So..." My mom started, as she wiped her mouth and turned to me. "How was the shoot?" She asked and smiled.

"It was great..." I affirmed and smiled to the floor, blushing.

We talked for a while and had dinner. Once we were done, I helped wash the dishes and then went to my room. I had a message from Ky.

"I just had a talk with my mom." This simple message concerned me, where was he going with this?

"What did she say?"

"She found out I sneaked out today and saw us. She said this time I'm grounded for real. Like, no leaving the house other than for school." My heart dropped.

I stopped for a second and I felt my heart pouring out of my mouth. Did this mean I would never ever see him again? No, no, this couldn't be happening.

"Oh..." I replied, devastated.

"But don't worry I don't care, we'll figure out something later." I suddenly smiled, he was always positive.

"Well, hope we will."

"Bye gorgeous, good night."

"Bye, handsome :)"

I put my phone down and looked at an empty corner in the room. How could someone just forbid another person from seeing their significant others? Even if it was his mother, it was his happiness, and no one should be able to take it away from him.

I just laid there, staring at that spot, unable to think of anything but this. It was just too much to bear. How would we be together if we couldn't even see each other. What about those perfect nights together. Were they over? I just tried to keep my mind away from that thought, but when I realized I couldn't, I started distracting myself playing on my phone.

After about five minutes I saw Lisa come in, and she looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. Why?

"Lauren, are you ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I answered, not getting her point.

Lisa's P.O.V.

"Yeah, why?" She asked, confused.

I'd walked inside Lauren's hotel room and saw tears all over her face, as if she had been crying, but she didn't seem to notice.

"You have tears on your face... Were you crying?" I questioned. She ran her hands through her face and realized I was right. She started trying to wipe them away, but her make up was in contact with them, she ruined it and had all her face covered in black. When she checked her hand, she sighed, put her head in her hands and looked like she was about to sob.

"I can't do anything right, can't I?" She said, putting herself down. She used to do this a lot. Well, actually she did it every time she was wrong about something... Or someone... I grabbed some tissues from my purse that I'd brought with me, sat on her bed and picked her chin up with my hand.

"Let me see..." I said as I analyzed her face. Then I got one of the tissues and reached for her face. I started taking the make up off her cheeks, then her nose, her eyes and the rest of her face. I put the last tissue down and sighed. "So, what's this all about?" I asked, pointing all around her and then at her.

"It's nothing, Lisa." She lied, I could tell.

"C'mon, you can tell me anything and you know it." I pleaded her. She sighed and started spilling it.

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now