Chapter 26

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Lauren's P.O.V.

"He fainted." She gasped out, I barely could hear her.

"What?" I asked.

"Ky fainted yesterday, and he hasn't woken up. The doctors fear it might be a coma."

After this last sentence, my heart dropped to the floor. A... A coma? No, this couldn't be happening, this couldn't be real, this is not reality. It can't be. I needed someone to pinch me and tell me I was dreaming.

"A-a coma?" I managed to stutter out. Fear was clearly taking over me, you could hear it. I was about to cry.

"Y-yes. Please, I know you're mad at me and him but come with me to the hospital. It was all my fault, he even pushed me away. Just please come with me." She pleaded me. "Please." I looked at her in the eyes, that were welling up and nodded.

"Of course." I replied, also slowly tearing up. She gave a weak soft smile and gestured me to follow her.

After that it all turned into slow motion. We started running, rushing to the hospital, but what was really fast looked so slow to me. I just needed to get to him. I needed to see him. I could not let him... Damn, I just can't say those words. What if he never woke up? What if this wasn't just a coma? We passed Ky's house. I looked through his window, expecting to see him there, to keep this tiny hope that he was still there, and everything was just as always. The wind hit my face and wiped the tears away from my face, but now I was crying and they kept flooding my face, wind meant nothing.

I watched the blonde girl running in front of me, her legs moving so fast, yet so slow. I just felt like we would never get there, that running was useless, we would get there when it was too late. Like this was a sign. I visualized the place about ten blocks ahead from us. I was sweating, but I honestly didn't care. There was no point at all in caring anyway. I tried widening my footsteps, to the extent where I probably looked like an athlete or something. Only five more blocks left.

We jogged by shops and houses of all kind. Everything looked dark to me, dull and boring. We finally got to the hospital doors. I saw many ambulances parked outside, and wondered if any of those had carried him. I decided to not give it attention. Lily opened the door and held it open for me to get in. I did and she followed me. We went to the receptionist, but Lily did all the talking: I was too dizzy and I still saw everything almost colorless and in slow motion.

I just wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to him. I wouldn't forgive myself for doubting him. I wouldn't forgive myself for hating him. I wouldn't forgive myself for not seeing he was what I need, the light at the end of my tunnel, a source of happiness and hope I needed, my everything. He meant the world to me, I would go to the end of the world for him. If he's not there to turn the lights off, I can't sleep. If he didn't wake up, the brightness in my life, that small light, would fade and vanish. If he didn't wake up, all of me will break into tiny pieces and I will never be able to get them back together. Because he was all of me, and if he didn't wake up, he will break into tiny little pieces, and nothing will mend him, not even all the love in the world. Yes, love. I couldn't even think of it, I couldn"5 think of a world without him. I knew it probably seemed stupid since I hadn't known him for long; but he'd become fundamental in my life in just a few week. But I'd known him long enough to realize he was a pure soul, full of joy, full of love. He only knew how to smile and make people do the same. He only was a beautiful human being, with a heart of gold, and a laugh that could cure sickness. Everything about him was flawless.

"Lauren!" I heard someone slowly call me and realized Lily was waiting for me to go see Ky. I nodded and she pointed towards the hallway.

We both began running again through the halls, I turned where she turned and stopped where she stopped. I just needed to see him. What if I had one more night for goodbye? I needed to see him and just be with him, just if it was the case. Then suddenly, she came to a stop and so did I, then things went back to normal speed. She looked at the door, then at me.

Forever and Ever || A Lauren Cimorelli Fan-Fiction | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now