Chapter 2

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Somnus made his way down the curving steps from the Throne. His movements were unhurried as he descended. Dark tendrils of miasma followed in his wake, radiating out of his body and eventually dissipating in the air. The crimson hued Sword of the Mystic was gripped loosely in one hand, pommel forward with the blade carelessly facing behind. The point of it almost hitting the steps as its wielder descended.

Noctis waited as the Founder King moved towards him. He readied himself, realizing his friends were in danger if they fought here. He would need to move both Somnus and himself out of this place, and quickly. The Chosen looked at the broken wall to the left of the Throne. He would toss his ancestor through the gap if needed to keep his friends from being hurt.

But it seemed that may be unnecessary. Instead of immediately attacking, Somnus stood still once he descended the final step and faced the last of his bloodline. Ardyn's barrier dissipated for only a few moments to allow the corrupted Lucii to pass.

Somnus then raised his blade in front of him, thrusting it down and allowing it to touch the stone below. Both hands rested on the pommel, watching his opponent as he waited. Noctis realized he stood as his statues depicted him.

Noctis was confused until he heard the sound of a door opening and metallic footsteps. He briefly glimpsed behind and noticed several MTs arriving. They were in rough shape. Their metal armor was rusting and chipped in various places. Their eerie glowing eyes were not as bright as Noctis remembered them being.

"I thought you wanted this to be a battle of Kings. Changed your mind?" Noctis asked, glancing back and forth between the MT's and Somnus. Three MTs would do little to hinder him, and Ardyn knew that. The Chosen knew their purpose must be for something else.

"They are just here to move the rabble out of the way. You would not want your dear friends in harm's way, would you? An errant strike or spell might snuff out their feeble lives, defenceless as they are."

They wouldn't be so defenceless if you didn't knock them out. Noctis thought to himself. Out loud he said, "you think I'm just going to let your robot lackeys near them?"

"Would you rather drag their bodies to safety yourself? As amusing as that struggle would be to watch, we have more important things to do." Ardyn stated calmly. He sighed when he saw the Chosen just glare at him. "If I had wanted them dead, I could have killed them rather easily just a few moments ago."

That was true but Noctis was hesitant to have his friends out of his sight after just recently reuniting with them again. It had been ten years. Ten long years of them waiting as he gathered the power needed. And now Noctis only had a short time to be with them once more before the end.

It was so very unfair.... But that was the fate dealt to Noctis so humanity would live on. So that his friends would live on. So many had suffered, fought, and even died. All for him and the hope he provided. He could not, would not, fail. The Chosen would face his fate head on and save the world that had borne him, even if was merely as a sacrifice. It did not change the many joys he had had in life, the family he had, the friends he had made, the things he had done. He wished for more time. But, didn't everyone when their knew their demise was imminent?

Too many had much briefer, harsher lives than him. So Noctis was grateful, regardless of the ending he was meant for. All the Chosen King prayed for now was to have a chance to say goodbye to his companions before that end came.

Ardyn seemed to sense his indecision, scowling slightly before he spoke next. "I give you my solemn vow that I will not harm them or allow them to be harmed... Not until after our final battle, of course. But know that once you lose, I will do whatever I wish. I for one, cannot wait to see the despair on their faces when they realize the monarch they had so fervently waited for has failed them... Now, is that good enough for you?"

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