“We’d only been working together for two months. There is no way that he would have already been in love with me.” I blocked out Casey completely and then turned my full attention to Zoric, letting his words slowly sink in.

“Do you really think he would have risked him life for anyone less? Do you think he would have risked the worst torture he had ever experienced for just some partner? Sorry Sweetheart, but he was head over heels for you from the get-go. How naïve are you?” I pushed off the memories that threatened to overtake me. It nearly sickened me how much power one man had over me.

“Let it happen Sweetheart. Gosh, I love watching you relieve the torture you experienced back home… it’s almost as satisfying as the actual acts themselves.” If I had heard his words alone they would have sickened me. But one look into his eyes told me the truth. He didn’t mean a word he said. There was no emotion in his eyes, his eyes staring nearly emptily back at my own.

“You’ve changed.” I watched transfixed as Zoric shifted before me. Emotion swirled in his eyes, his jaw locking in anger. His fists clenched where they were cuffed, and I knew if he were standing know they would be balled at his sides. This was a side of Zoric I was also unaccustomed to. He was raw, completely unfiltered without his usual sense of security backing up his haunting words.

“I’m drawling close to the end of my line. Of course I’ve changed. Like I said, I know my fate.”

“Then why don’t you help me? Tell me about Beau, about Lexi, about Frey Caulfield. Make the change worth it.”

“Only Freya could make it worth it,”

“Freya, don’t you mean Frey?” The shuffling of feet announced the arrival of another guest outside the room. Casey. I words had been rushed, something that Z had picked up on. He followed the trail of my eyes to the door, recognition flashing in his eyes. 

“I guess that’s what you get when you where the disguise of a man for so long.” He was playing with me now, knowing that time was of the essence. Restraining myself from lashing out, I continued, gathering what little facts I could before we we’re interrupted by whoever was waiting on the other side of the door.

“No one else said Frey was a she. How do you even know that this Freya is the same person?”

“There’s a reason why my associate sent me to you, other than revenge against me that is.”

“You know her. You know Freya Caulfield.”

“Of course I do. She’s the one that killed my wolf.”


~Caven’s POV~

By now I had dulled out the pain of the cuffs around my wrist. For my choice words back in the prison, Alpha Whitney had fastened specially designed handcuffs on my wrist. Bits of fresh and dried blood decorated the gleaming metal as it constantly reopened the wounds that had just freshly healed.

“Oh come on lad, ‘e’s ‘ad enoug’.” Gordon had been vehemently adamant the entire way to the pack house. He was one of the few people I even remotely trusted with my life. Sadly he took that honor a little too far.

“The pain’s nothing, Burgie. Relax.”

“Even torn down and bleedin’ you’re still stickin’ with the nicknames I see. Will I ever escape this?” Some color had returned to Gordon’s face at my words, picking up on my strangely elevated mood.

“Not to my last breath, Gordy old pal,” Gordon’s relief was obvious, and with Gordon appeased, I turned my full attention to the Alpha staring me down.

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