9. Family meeting

Bắt đầu từ đầu

There's a long silence as the other guys take in what Namjoon said. 

"Wait... we're not allowed to do it in our rooms?" Yoongi asks. "That's news to me."

"Yeah, honestly I've been doing it as soon as the other two leave," Jimin says with a shrug. 

"Since we're all confessing I can admit that I've been doing the same," Hoseok says. 

Namjoon and Taehyung look at each other, slightly shocked. 

"So we're the only ones with that rule?" Taehyung asks. 

"I-I guess so..."

What is even happening right now? Are we really sitting here talking about if it's OK to masturbate in our bedrooms? Everyone's been talking except Seokjin. I glance over at him to see his reaction to all this, but he notices my gaze and smiles at me. It freaks me out and I stare down at the floor instead. 

"As long as we knock I don't see the problem with doing it in our bedrooms," Hoseok says. "It's boring to jack off in the bathroom all the time."

"Yes, and uncomfortable," Jimin adds. "If the roommates agree on it then why not?"

Taehyung looks at Namjoon with pleading eyes. 

"Yes, please! I'm so done with staring at the bathroom wall all the time! If you're not there you'd never know I did it."

Namjoon considers the suggestion and eventually picks up the list of rules and writes something on it. He puts it back on the fridge and I lean forward to see what it says. 

6: For the sake of everyone living here, please do the private things in private. ~Now includes bathroom and bedroom when the roommates are not present. Remember to knock!~

"Meeting dismissed I suppose," Namjoon says and everyone starts getting up from the table. 

I get up as well and plan on going to my room, but Jimin grabs my arm and pulls me into the living room with an excited look on his face. He sets me down on the couch and his eyes shine with curiosity.

"...What?" I ask.

"Did Tae really walk in on you when you were-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there. Yes, he did. Why do you ask?"

Jimin throws his head back and laughs evilly at my answer.

"That's hilarious!"

"I wouldn't say that."

"How did he react?" he asks.

"I dunno... he screamed I think. Sounded very much like a girl. Then he said he was looking for you and that you were gonna go to school together. I didn't really listen because I wanted him to leave."

Jimin nods and hums dreamily.

"I wish he'd walk in on me like that..."


"Nothing~ Thanks for the information, Kookie, you've been very helpful!"

He skips away while whistling happily and I'm very much confused by everything that's just happened. Somehow the rule changed because of me, but I'm never going to masturbate outside of the bathroom again. Too risky and I don't want to get caught. If it'd been Seokjin who walked in on me back then I might've jumped him. Can't risk that. 

When speaking of the devil Seokjin comes into the room and sits down next to me on the couch. I feel myself tense up and I look the other way. He clicks his tongue and flicks me on the side of the head.

A/B/O || JinkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ