Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

Once we had finished fixing up the cupboard, Blaine and I went downstairs to have some dinner. I was starving and I could smell that Lena had made something delicious.

We sat there with Lena and Liam, eventually Adrian showed up. His Beta duties meant that he was very busy and often away on pack business especially now that I was pregnant. Blaine's Third in Command was killed a few years ago by rogues. Blaine didn't want to replace him which meant Adrian and he had a bigger work load.

Due to this, Blaine had put much more responsibility onto Adrian, and he seemed to be enjoying travelling over to different states and doing his duty as Blaine's Beta and Third.

"It's been an experience," Adrian said, "I've travelled through so many packs and I surprisingly haven't met my mate."

"You'll find her son, just be patient." Liam said, while shoving his food in his mouth causing Lena to smack him on the arm at his table manners. 

Adrian and I sniggered while Blaine rolled his eyes. "Let's just hope she's not crazy." Liam added, but quickly moved before Lena could smack him again making us all laugh.

After dinner, Adrian told Blaine that they both needed to make a start on some paperwork and other documents that they had both been ignoring for the past few weeks.

The paperwork related to the prisoners we have and so they both left to complete the work in the pack prison office.

On the way, Blaine had dropped me off at Diego's house, which was literally a five minute walk from our home.  

It was no longer awkward or uncomfortable with Blaine and Bryson, the wolves he attacked had survived and since they were willing to accept his apology, Blaine agreed to leave it as that.

It had been a while since I had chilled with Diego, Bryson and Tilly but I was happy to be able to be in their company and watch movies. It was keeping me occupied while Blaine was dealing with running our pack.

He had informed me that he would be home late and to go bed without him, he had shut out our mind link since he really needed to concentrate as I kept distracting him.

I could see it was getting dark outside, and I was beginning to feel shattered. I turned to look at the clock and it was already 10pm. I had been here for at least 3 hours.

Diego, Bryson and Tilly kept insisting on taking me home but I declined, I could literally see my home in the distance and they agreed that they would at least watch me walk home, I rolled my eyes but agreed.

I walked across the clearing, it was very dark out and the wind was fierce, blowing my hair into my face as I tucked it behind my ears.

I pulled my coat tighter across  my body. To my left I could see our woodlands, it was strangely quiet compared to the normal Friday night as usually young wolves would be racing through the forest.

As I walked up the steps to my house, I noticed that all the lights were out, I hummed in question, and bit the bottom of my lip.

When I opened the front door, I put one foot in and looked around. It was eerily quiet and I felt uncomfortable but when I heard a creak upstairs, my worry washed away as I assumed Lena or Liam was here, but probably asleep.

I walked further in, shutting the door and turning on a small lamp that sat next to the front door. Hearing another creak, I frowned and looked in the direction of where the sound came from.

It sounded as if it came from upstairs.

Slowly climbing up the stairs, I walked into Blaine's office where I believed the high-pitched sound came from, walking through the door I noticed it was empty. I focused on all my senses but I didn't pick up anything; not a sound or smell.

I pursed my lips before rubbing my teeth slightly against my bottom lip. I ignored all of my instincts of fear and shrugged my shoulders, assuming it was nothing to worry about. 

Letting my guard down, I decided to go downstairs and grab a bottle of water for bed.

I made my way out of Blaine's office and was about to descend the stairs when I suddenly felt a presence behind me.

Before I had time to turn around, I felt a hand roughly shove me on my back, not being able to grab the banister in time, I roughly fell down a flight of stairs.

As rolled off of the last step, I could barely open my eyes as they felt so heavy. My whole body was shaking in agony, feeling breathless I attempted to control my breathing as much as I could while I struggled to catch my breath.

I tried to roll over slightly, but the pain radiating through my body was too much, I had broken multiple bones which were already trying to heal but they needed to be put into the correct place making it even more painful. 

I couldn't speak and only moaned in pain as I tried to roll slightly to the side so that I wasn't leaning on my stomach so much.

My body wouldn't allow it and my body froze in fear at the realization that the strong metallic smell of blood entered my senses.

I cradled my stomach which almost felt numb except for a few tingles, my breathing was getting heavier and heavier as I realized my baby wasn't moving. I moved my hand slightly down to my groin area, and brought my hand up to see sticky red blood coating my fingers igniting my worse fear.

I attempted to scream but nothing came out, I felt helpless and trapped.

I began to feel the energy drain from my body when I hear footsteps, it echoed and sounded like high heels as someone walked down the stairs and stood right in front of my face, as I laid curled up in a fetal position.

I managed to hold onto as much energy as I could, lifting my head up, getting a quick glance of the person standing over me as my eyes began to flutter closed, feeling heavy.

"Mellissa," I barely whispered before I was engulfed into darkness.


-Not Edited-

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