something different

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“Good morning, beautiful.” You hear being whispered in your ear. You smile and cuddle closer to the warm body next to you, keeping your eyes closed. “I know you’re awake.” He whispers again. You giggle and say, “No, I’m not.” You feel a soft kiss on your forehead and he asks, “How about now?” You smile and say, “Nope.” You feel a kiss on your nose and he asks again, “How about now?” You peek one eye open then squeeze it shut again and say, “Nope.” This time you feel a kiss softly press against your lips. First, it’s sweet and simple and amazing. But, he starts kissing you deeper and you can feel your body heating up just from the way his hands and lips hold you captive. He pulls away suddenly and your eyes involuntarily snap open before he asks, “How about now?” You laugh and run your hands through his dark brown, almost black hair. “I think I’m awake now.” You say softly. You look into his bright blue eyes and lean in to kiss him again. Just as you do, he wraps his arms around you and quickly plops you on top of him. You squeal and then give him small pecks all over his face for punishment. He brushes your hair out of your face and tucks a loose strand behind your ear before gazing at you with a small smile on his lips. You smile back and ask, “Why are you looking at me like that, Nash?” It was new, the way he was looking at you. You’d been dating for almost six months and you’d never seen that look before. Being in a relationship was new for you, and you’d both agreed to take it slow. The first time you woke up next to Nash you were beyond freaking out. No, you didn’t have sex, but it was such a sweet intimate thing still to sleep together. However, you’d both quickly gotten addicted to it. You slept in the same bed almost every night now. But, still, the look on his face was different. You were slightly worried but, at the same time, you knew it wasn’t anything bad. “Why are you asking me that?” Nash asks you with a slight chuckle. He gently rubs his knuckles along your cheek and you close your eyes for a split second to enjoy the feeling. You answer him, “It’s just a different look, that’s all.” You pause then ask, “What are you thinking about right now?” He stops rubbing your cheek but keeps his hand there, apparently, deep in thought. He smiles triumphantly before answering, “I’m thinking about how beautiful you are, I’m thinking about how lucky I am to have you, and I’m thinking that…I might be…” He blushes before continuing, “I might be in love with you.” You slightly gasp and sit up. He moves with you and sits up as well. Your legs are around him and his arms are around your waist. He looks at you, clear concern etched in his eyes. You can see how worried he is. For a moment you wonder why. Then you remember you haven’t said it back yet. “I’m sorry if this seems like it’s too soon, which it might be. But, I know how I feel, Y/N. I know that every day I spend with you, makes me so happy. I know that when I’m not with you, I feel incomplete. You don’t have to say anything right now but I just wanted you to know-” You place your hand gently on his lips to keep him from continuing. His eyebrow quirks up and you smile at his adorable-ness. You pull your hand away and look him in the eyes before saying, “Nash Grier, I’m in love with you too.” He smiles the biggest smile you’ve ever seen and pulls you in for a tight hug. He laughs a little and strokes your hair. Then he pulls back, caresses your face with both hands, and kisses you. Your heart is beating wildly and you can’t remember a moment when you felt happier.

Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now