His only

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Heyyyy im at rehearsal so im able to update yayyyy, i have like a 30 minute break in between soooo yeah.  ill be at rehearsal all week and ill probably update once a day now throughout the week. Here is another part of my Nash and Cameron imagines. im going to start doing this thing where you listen to music and read the story. sooooo for this part if you want to listen to Just a little bit of your heart by Ariana Grande. okayyy here we go enjoy :)

~Cameron Imagine~

I cried a lot, thats all i could say. Every time i heard his name i cried, every time i looked at  a picture of us i cried. I was in love, so in love that when we were together and i didnt know about her, any second without him made me feel like i was nothing. He was my everything, my lifesaver, the one i went to when i felt vulnerable and unwanted, the one i went to when i felt like i didnt want to be a part of this world anymore, he helped me through it all, and to this day he is my world. Yeah he did some stuff i will never forget and will always remain the reason why i cant hold him at night, or kiss him whenever i want to, i try to block it from my memory  but some things are harder than others.

if you were wondering it was because of another girl, Cameron was very loyal and i dont know what happened, but what i saw for those 3 seconds will remain the worst thing that has ever happened to me, it just happened so quick, he chased after me yelling my name but i just ran, crying so hard i ran out of breath, i wanted him to explain himself but i couldn't handle the fact that the love of my life cheated on me. Everybody thought i depended on him for everything and some even made fun of me because they thought i couldnt live without him, but the truth is i loved him and when you truly love someone you dont want to be without them, he understood me in ways nobody else could have, he always told me how beautiful i was and how i meant so much to him,i told him things not even my family knows, he always seemed to help me through it all, bit was it all fake though? did i waste 2 years of my life on someone who may not of loved me the way i loved him? i will never know. Cameron and i broke up 6 months ago, i never got a phone call, a text, or anything since then, everyday has been nothing but a heartache. I was mad at him, furiated even, he broke my heart, but i still love him and i miss him more than anyone in the world. I always wondered if he thought about me, thinking if he would call me or even just send a text asking to talk, anything.

I looked at my phone one last time before drifting off into a deep sleep, it has now been 182 days since ive talked to him, 182 days of constantly crying myself to sleep, he was always on my mind, he was my first thought when i woke up and my last thought before i went to sleep. I wanted to text him but i ws to afraid that he might of moved on, found a new girl who's prettier than me, smarter than me, i just couldnt think of that possibility. I finally turned my phone off, the clock  read 2am. I layed down clouding my mind with thoughts of him, i tried to think of other things that made me happy but he seemed to be the only thing. It was now 4am i tried to go back to sleep until i heard the sound of my phone singaling i got a text message, i turned over and grabbed the phone off the charger

it read "My Forever" just then my heart exploded. Was this really him? i unlocked my phone and went to look at the message. I hesitated at first praying it wasn't goingto hurt me even more.

"You know i've been thinking about you" is what i read, i slowly dropped my phone and fell to the floor, i couldn't believe it.

you- What was it about?

Cameron- how much i miss you

you- Cameron its been 6 months why do you know say something

i was happy but mad at the same time, he missed me, i was having awful mixed feelings, i waited for him to text back, 5 minutes went by and he still didnt answer, i wasn't worried though i knew he eventually would

Cameron- Y/n i needed time, i know i hurt you, but you never gave me a chance to explain myself.

you- you didnt just hurt me cameron, you broke me, i cant even describe the feelings i have been having over the past 6 months, you didnt need to explain i know what happened

Cameron-  what feelings?

You- ummm knowing that im not your only, feeling that the amount of love ive expressed towards you probably didnt matter. Feeling like you didn't love me Cam

Cameron- Can i come over?


Cameron- i need to talk to you in person

you- okay ill be here

is this really happening? what am i going to do? what do i say to him? so many thoughts rushed through my head at 1000 miles an hour. about 15 minutes later i heard a knock at my door

before i opened it i thought to myself, okay i havent seen this boy in 6 months, the only thing seperating us was a door. i took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

There he stood the most gorgeous guy in the entire world standing in front of me, he hasn't changed, he still has the same haircut, same style, everything, it was great to know he hasn't changed. "hey" i said to him "hey" he said back. "Come in" i guided him into the house and allowed him to sit down. "you look great" he said, i looked down trying to hide my face since i was blushing. "thanks" i said with a smile. he walked over and sat down next to me. "y/n i am so sorry" i looked down so i wouldn't cry. "y/n, i didn't kiss the girl, she kissed me, she pushed herself onto me, i couldn't do anything, her and her friends surrounded me and i couldn't do anything about it" "and how am i supposed to believe that i asked? "i have a video" "a what" "a video, here watch" Cameron pulled out his phone and showed me the video. He was right, everything made sense now, he showed me the girl, and all her friends surrounding him, it even showed me storming off.

"Cam, why did you wait all this time to tell me?" "i thought you were really mad, that you migh of moved on, i was scared y/n" right then and there i jumped into his arms, i hugged him so tight and he hugged back, it was the best feeling in the world, knowing i had him back

Cameron asked me out again that night, it was great to know i was his only

Hehe was it good, idk i tried to make it good and really adorable, please comment i want to know what you think. Thanks love you byeee


Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now