Luna's hell

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Fred's P.O.V

They were shoving O.W.L test preporations down our throat.  Each teacher was telling us how important this test is.  As for as we were concerned it didn't matter.  We have been working on the joke shop stuff, and we have gotten pretty far.  We have started to sell products but not too many people know about us.
The first hogs mead trip is today, but Harry can't go.  We decided to give him the map.  We saw him have the invisibility cloak we dragged him aside, and said, "I solomly swear I an up to no good."
"Wow how did you get it?"  Harry said as the map of hogwarts began to apear with everyone's foot steps of wear they are.  "Snitched it first year."
"From Filches office of coarse."
"There are seven different passages from here to hogsmeade."
"But we recomend-"
"This one." The twins said in unison.  "It leads right in the honeydukes cellar."  We let him go while we were about to be on our way we saw Luna.

George's P.O.V

When I saw Luna my heart melted and hurt for her.  She had obviously been crying, but she looked strong and beautiful.  "Luna are you alright?"
"Yeah I will be fine.  Go to hogsmeade."
"Are you sure you are alright?"
"No.  But I will be alright."
"Well you have no choice you are coming weather you want to or not."
"How I am only in my second year?"
"The secret passageway to hogsmeade."  Fred cut in.  "Fred why don't you go the normal way and tell Filch that I don't feel good."
"Alright meet me at three broomstick's."
"Alright see you then."  I wasn't going to go the way that Harry went.  So we went a different way.  "Luna what happened?"
"Fine if you really want to know.  A slytherin  decided it would be delighting to cast a spell so I am hanging upside-down.  My skirt fell and I flashed everyone."  I took a second to think of a someone who would do this then I figured it out."Malfoy."
"Yep."  I was speachless.  How can someone do that?  Why?  "I am sorry Luna."
"It's alright.  I am used to being made fun of."
"Yeah, but you shouldn't have to...but you know what we will make today awesome!"

"Okay."  We spent the whole day together it made me happy all week.  She started eating with us after that.  She is so cute and adorable in her own way.  She is Beautiful.

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