Late Night Chats

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Fred's P.O.V

We all saw each other a few days latter.  I couldn't get over the fact that we went through that.  Since that night I have not been sleeping very well.  Waking up in the middle of the night with nightmares.  One of them being Hermione being trampled, or Ginny being taken by a death eater.  Hermione says she hasn't been sleeping very well either.  "It feels like I haven't sleeped in weeks.  I am just so exhausted."  I said to Hermione.  "I know me as well."
"You guys up for a game of quidditch?"  Harry asked suddenly.  "Yeah I need to practice for this years matches.  I want to make sure I have a for sure spot on the team."  Hermione said.  " Yeah I need to practice too."  I agreed.  So we all went outside to play. 


A few hours latter mum called us back inside for dinner.  She had made some chicken noodle soup for dinner.  We all sat down at the table and started eating.  "Are you looking forward to school this year."  Hermione asked me. "Sort of I would say."
"How about you George?"  Grorge looked up and replied "Yeah I am looking forward to see some friends."  I knew he was meaning Luna, but I didn't say anything about it.  "How about you Mione."
"Yes I am looking forward to some of my classes."  Of course Hermione would say that.  "Oh you guys are going to have a wonderful year."  Dad said sudenly.  Dad, Bill, and Charlie have been acting strange all summer.


We where all just sitting in the living room just talking, and playing exploding snaps.  Hermione was going to stay the night, so she was there as well.  Soon it was only Hermione, George, Ron, and I.  "So um what ever happened to you and Pansy."  George asked.  "Her parents found out about her and me sending letters so we can't talk anymore."
"Oh thats to bad."
"Its not that bad it wouldn't have worked out anyway, her family being death eaters and all."  Ron said thoughtfully.  I felt bad for my little brother.  "Well I am going to go hit the hay.  So goodnight."  Ron stated and went upstairs.  "Want to take turns asking questions?"  George asked us.  "Sure why not."  Said Hermione.  "What is everyones favourite color?" I asked.  "Violet."  Hermione said.  "Blue" George said, which I alreday knew.  "Mine is firey orange."
"Okay my turn to ask a question.  Favourite teacher at Hogwarts."  Hermione said.  "Mine is most definitly Snape."  George said sarcasticly.  We all laughed so hard we were holding our sides.  "Okay but seriously."  Hemione said still catching her breath.  "Okay Mr. Lupin."  Said George.  " I would say " Mrs. Sprout."  I said.  "Profesor Babling."  Said Hermione.  "What does she teach."  George asked.  "Ancient Runes."  Hermione said.  We played for a while before Hermione fell asleep.  George and I countinued to talk, but the sudenly I felt a weight on my shoulder Ilooked Down and saw Hermione sleeping.  I caught myslf smiling at her.  "You like her don't you."  George said more as a fact then a question.  I looked at him, and I said nothing because he knew, and there was nothing more to be said.

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