“Shall we go now?”

“Yeah. Keys, keys...”

“Darragh.” I picked up his keys from the sofa and threw them to him.

“Thanks.” He caught them. “We won't be long. You two make sure you look after Maruki.”

“We will.” Nelly nodded. Then, her parents were gone, out into the car and off.

“Who's the visitor?” I was puzzled.

“Oh well, we'll find out eventually.” Nelly shrugged, going back to playing with Maruki.

After a little while, Nelly left the room, and I was alone with Maruki. He was looking out the window at Leo again, as the Arcanine slept soundlessly in wait for Darragh's car.


I looked across the room where my PokeBalls were, sitting on a shelf. I got up and walked over to the spherical objects, looking back at Maruki once more. The six ordinary PokeBalls and the golden one all stood lifelessly as I ran my searching hand over the top of them. Then I decided. I took one of the PokeBalls and brought it back.

“Hey, Maruki.”


“Look here.”

The little boy wandered over and sat on the floor. I knelt down beside him and showed him the PokeBall. “Wow!” He stared in wonder.

“You know what this is?”

“A PokeBall!” He nodded. “Pokemon sleep in them. Like Leo does.”

“That's right.” I smiled, holding the ball carefully. “Now, Maruki, you know it's a big responsibility to take care of a Pokemon, right?”

“Yeah...” He sulked.

“Do you think you can do it?”

“I can! I know I can! But I'm not old enough...”

“Well... Here...”

I held out the PokeBall to him, and he stared at it. “Huh?”

“I want you to have this, Maruki.” I smiled.

“Really?!” His eyes lit up.

“Y-yes. His name is Rainbow. Will you take care of him for me?”

“Thank you! Thank you, thank you, I will, I will!”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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