After Story 4 - Family Passing

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  • Dedicated to Nelly Ora-Yuki

Bad things happen to good people. Sometimes, there is nothing we can do about it. But with the support from those around us, we can make it through to the other side. In the dark times, a helping hand and a bit of love can help us move forward.


It started as a day like any other, and it seemed like it would be calm and peaceful once more. My mother, sisters and our friends had all left, and it was just our own happy family at home. Maruki was sat on the carpet in the living room, drawing on several sheets of paper with colourful crayons. He kept peering out the window to look at Leo the Arcanine, who was curled up by Darragh's car. The boy the went back to trying to recreate the Pokemon's fuzzy fur on his page. I was sat on the sofa just behind him, watching silently as the orange crayon ran over his picture. Nelly was speaking to her mother by the door to the kitchen, which was wide open, whilst Darragh was in there unloading shopping bags he had just brought in.

“Toby?” Maruki asked.

“Yeah?” I looked down at him, almost in surprise. He could almost talk properly now. It was great, but a part of me still missed how he used to call me 'Toto'.

“Why is Leo outside?”

“Because he's a bit big for the house.” I told him.

“But... What if it rains?”

“Then he'll go back in his PokeBall.”

“The ball goes 'poof''!” Maruki flung his hands in the air. “Then Leo is safe!”

“Hehe, that's right.” I smiled.

“When can I have a Pokemon? Can I have one nooooow? Pleeease?” He asked, straining the questions.

“Maybe when you're a little bit older. It's a lot of responsibility. You have to treat them well, and look after them.”

“I can do it!”

“Well, you can have one soon. For now, you can play with any of my Pokemon. And I'm sure your sister wouldn't mind you playing with Patch or Trixie, either.” I said happily.

“I like Trixie.” Maruki stated, stroking thin air. “She has fluffy tails. And she is warm. But she doesn't want me to hug her...”

“Maybe you hold her too tight.” I suggested. “Nobody likes to get squished.”

“I won't hug Pokemon too tight.” The boy nodded. “I won't, I won't!”

From the kitchen came a faint buzz. I continued watching as Maruki demonstrated how to stroke a squirrel, but was aware that Darragh had picked up his phone.

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