After Story 5 - Friends Around the World

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  • Dedicated to Nelly Ora-Yuki

The sink was almost full with water and foam, swirling about as I twirled the razor through the warm liquid. I looked into the mirror and lifted my chin, running the electric razor gently down it. "There. That should do it."

I pulled the plug out of the sink and the frothy substance fled down to the pipes below. I then turned on the cold tap to wash away any lingering foam, and splashed my face with the water. After rubbing my face with a towel, I looked at the mirror again. The hairs on my face were trimmed, and I smiled. Even after shaving for nearly two years, it was still satisfying when it went well. In the mirror, I saw the bathroom door behind me open. I turned the tap off as Nelly appeared. "You done?"

"Yeah, just now." I nodded, turning to face her. Her face lit up and she stepped forward.

"Can I?"

"Hehe, sure."

She walked up to me and slowly ran the back of her hand under my chin. She giggled lightly and smiled. "It feels nice."

I felt the stubble that remained in the same way and nodded. For some reason, it always felt pretty nice to the touch after shaving. "Oh, hang on..." She turned the tap on, ran her fingers under it and turned it off again. Nelly reached up and wiped off a little bit of foam that was still on my earlobe. "There you go."

"Thanks." I watched as she dried her hands. "You know, Nelly, I... I really like living like this."

"Hm..." She looked at me for a while then nodded with a smile. "I know what you mean... I love these days, when we don't have to worry about anything."

I put my arm around her and looked at us in the mirror. "I'll always cherish moments like this. When we can have days to ourselves, without fear or sadness. It's incredible."

She came in closer to my side and looked in the mirror too. "Definitely... I hope everyone else is having a good day, wherever they are."

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm sure they are."


In Hoenn, the Pokemon League stood tall and proud, home to its own Elite Four and Champion. The Champion of the region was taking his break, leaning against the stone wall beside the plaques of all the successful trainers to have made it to the final test. A radio was on a table by his side, and he was listening intently.

"And here he is, the young challenger! He's bested the Elite Four, and now only one person stands in his way!" The radio spoke.

"Heh." Ethan smirked. "Good luck, kid."

"Can he possibly dethrone the Champion of Kanto? We'll soon find out! Here comes the Champion now!"

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