"Earth's Mightiest Heroes!"

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We landed in a deserted forest area, which seemed to be somewhere in Europe. "Why are we here?" I asked Thor. He seemed to be searching for something as he replied, "Loki shall pass by this place in a few moments, Lo-Percy." He still insisted on calling me Lord Perseus, and I had to give him a wolf glare every time.

I heard the faint sounds of a highly advanced aircraft flying above it. It was well built, and camouflaged pretty well with the grey sky. It reminded me of Anna- No, I'm not having a flashback in the middle of a fight. Shaking my head, I focused on the plane again.

Thor started spinning his hammer and took off towards the plane. I concentrated on pulling some of the water from the nearby lake, and solidifying it into a shield-like shape. I stepped on to it, and then froze my shoe-soles to the ice. With one flick of my hand, I was airborne.

I speeded after Thor as he landed on the aircraft and pounded it with lightning. Someone opened the door, and he jumped in, dragging Loki out. I saw a red and gold figure fly out of the plane, following the two Asguardians, and another dressed comically like the American flag jump out after the flying figure.

I decided that the three of them would be enough to handle Loki, and swooped into the plane through the open door. The woman piloting the plane turned around and looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. "Percy Jackson?" She asked, turning pale. She seemed familiar. I had seen her somewhere.... Maybe at Camp, Jupiter then, no one at Half-Blood were adults. But then I remembered. She was among the adult demigods who had left Camp Half-Blood, who had returned to help fight Kronos. Clarisse had been thrilled to see her, even giving up her place as Head Councillor to her.

Seeing her red hair and the knives and guns in her belt, it clicked. "Natasha Romanoff, daughter of Ares!" I hazarded a guess. "You-you're the Legend! Perseus-" "Percy Jackson!" She corrected, seeing my glare.

"At your service, Nat." She playfully glared at me for the nickname. "Did you ever know that the Norse world existed? I had difficulty remembering the Roman Gods, then you got the Greeks into it, and now the Norse are in the picture." Grinning at her, I said, "I used to have that problem." "Used to?" she asked. "Well, ever since I accepted Godhood, I don't get the Gods mixed up anymore."

"Wait, Godhood?" she asked, helping me realize the formal announcement had never been made. I told the story once again, for what felt like the millionth time. "Oh Percy, I'm so sorry..." I shook my head. "I get it. Just. Don't. Go. There." She then told me a little about herself, and the 'heroes' she worked with.  Thor landed back on the plane with Loki, a Robot, and Spangles, the Human Flag.

The robot was a suit! It fell apart, to reveal a tiny guy, whose name was Tony Stark, Tiny Tony... who had a attitude like the Apollo kids. He reminded me of Lee Fletcher, but with a glowing chest. My senses told me that both him and Spangles had almost died multiple times for the country. Natasha gave off a wierd vibe. She had never betrayed anyone, but I could identify the battle-hardened face of someone who was used to death.

Spangles, AKA Steve Rogers looked at me like I seemed familiar, and the memory was just out of reach. "Ms. Romanoff? Who's the kid?" Tony asked. As she opened her mouth to answer, we heard Steve say. "Perseus Jackson, lives in Manhattan, 17 years old, suspected of terrorist activities." I put my head in my hands and groaned comically as both Thor and Nat started laughing.

"Look, Spangles, you've got it wrong. I ain't a terrorist. I didnt blow up the Arch, nor destroy the LA beach. It was the crazy kidnapper." Here, Natasha's lips twitched, knowing that her dad had done that. "I uh, didnt blow up Goode, nor did I do whatever else I'm accused of. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time." I finished. As Tony opened his mouth to argue, Thor cut across. "Lord- sorry, Percy, Son of Jack is a hero, he has saved the world twice?" "Thrice" Nat corrected. "He is not a danger." Spangles seemed to accept it, and nodded to me, giving me the respect he gave a war veteran.

Tin Man still looked pissed. "He's a kid! Not even eighteen! He can't have saved the world once, let alone thrice! He's obviously lying, Thor. No one would ever let kids fight or die in a war. They've set up an elaborate prank, buddy, and you fell for it." That was what drove me over the edge. I remembered all those who had died in both the Wars. Kids, who'd had their entire lives ahead of them, innocent mortals, who'd just been in some monsters way, and the creatures of nature, the nymphs, the satyrs, the dryads, all of whom had sacrificed themselves for a bigger cause, and this arrogant jerk was calling it all a lie! (A/N : Percy didnt care for the slight against him, but just one sentence against the dead had thrown him into an uncontrollable rage.)

I could feel myself leeching the water from the air near him, causing him to sputter as his throat went bone-dry in an instant. I took Riptide out of my pocket, ready to fight him, and show him what war actually meant, when Dad appeared behind me. He grabbed me and teleported us to the deserted stretch of sea that were my training grounds.

I screamed my lungs out, causing a shockwave a hundred feet high, before I felt the loss of each of them, Zoe, Bianca, Pollux, Michael, Silena, Beckendorf, Lee, Luke, and mostly, Annabeth. It had been hard the first time, but this was much worse.

Dad waited till I had let all the frustration and anger out, before pulling me into a tight hug, murmuring, "Shhhh... Let it all out... That's it, my boy... Let it all out..." I stayed there, in his arms for quite some time, before pulling away from the hug.

He looked at me worriedly, saying,"Your presence of mind and the skills you displayed on Asgard has given us an idea. The rest of the Council would like to know if you would join these heroes, the Avengers for a while. I think that they can help you while you help them."

This triggered my memory of the stone in Loki's scaptre, and how similar its energy seemed compared to the red stone in Riptide. "Dad, what was that stone? Lady Frigga called the red one as the reality stone, but it also had a physical form, the Aether. And why did it 'choose' me, Dad?"

He sighed, before telling me the story of the Infinity Stones. There had been six of them formed from the remenants of Chaos' power after the creation of the Earth at the beginning of time and had been scattered all over the world. The stones had a special purpose, which no one knew about. All Dad knew was that the stones sometimes claimed heroes, bending to their will and doing as the heroes wished. He said that it was an honour to be chosen by the stones, and that the blessing usually stayed for the rest of the person's life.

Slightly better, I turned my mind to the question he had asked earlier. "I'll go stay with the cosplayers and help them, but without showing them my true Godly strength. Can you help put a lock on my powers so I'll have only my demigod powers again, unless I really need my newfound strength."

I felt that they had to learn to work together and fight their battles as a team. At full strength, I could do everything for them with just a snap of my fingers, but that was counter-productive. Dad agreed, and together, the two of us cast the spell.

He teleported me back onto the plane with the four heroes and Loki and left, but not before giving me a coral bead for my camp necklace. "That will teleport you to the training ground if you ever feel the need to let off some steam." Grinning, I thanked him.

"If you say so, Point Break. Welcome to the team then, kid." Tony said, as if nothing had happened. Dad's mist had worked! We flew for some more time, until we made it to a flying building?

"That's the SHIELD Helicarrier that we're operating off of, Percy." Natasha told me. "We all live on it as of now." Gulping, I said a quick prayer to Zeus, asking him not to blast me out of his domain, as she landed the plane.

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