This Christmas

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I wanted to kill him.

I really did.

Roman knew I was terrified of planes.

He knew I hated flying.

Why the fuck would he buy plane tickets?!

~1 hour into the flight~

I love Roman.

The clouds are so fluffy up here.

The flight attendant is so nice and pretty.

Aww the poor baby, in the seats across from us, is crying.

Poor baby, don't cry.


"No, I didn't, " I grumbled as we stood at baggage claim, waiting for our luggage.

"You most definitely did, Hot Topic, " roman chuckled as he grabbed our bags off of the conveyor belt.

"Excuse me, Virgil?" I turned to see a redheaded woman holding a baby and smiling at us.

"Uhh... Yeah?"

"Abby and I just wanted to thank you again for singing her a lullaby when she was crying on the flight. You were so kind and helpful, " she gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek then made the baby, Abby, wave at me before they went over to a man who was waiting for them on the other side of baggage claim.

I started in wide-eyed confusion, a blush staining my cheeks crimson. Roman wasn't lying. I had gotten out of my seat and kidnapped a baby who was crying and sang to her until she calmed down. The fuck kind of anxiety pills did my doctor give me?!

My fiance chuckled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, walking me out of Logan International and took me over to the rental car place.

I remained silent, still in shock, as we drive through Boston, heading downtown and to the hotel, we had reservations at.

"Are you okay, love?" He voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I gave him a small nod.

"Yeah. Just can't believe I actually did that."

He chuckled and pride in front of the Valet. "She was very grateful. Apparently, they were flying in from Texas and had gotten very little sleep."

I nodded as we got out of the car and grabbed our bags. Roman handed the keys to the Valet and we walked into the hotel. Once we got our room keys we made our way up to our room and I flopped down on the bed and let out a soft groan. The bed was so soft and fluffy. I heard Roman groan as he lay down beside me.

"Tonight we relax. Tomorrow we have sightseeing and dinner reservations." I looked over at the other man and groaned softly. "No complaining. We only get to enjoy this until the 28th. Then we need to be in New York."

"Don't remind me, " I groaned again. Our manager agreed to allow us to go to Massachusetts for Christmas, though Roman had wanted to take me to Alaska, but only because we were doing a New Year's Eve concert in New York on the 31st. Not only did I get to have snow this Christmas with the man that I loved, but I was also going to get to see the ball drop in Times Square and kiss that same man at midnight again.

In front of millions of people.

And thousands of cameras.

So many eyes would be on us.

Oh fuck.

"Virgil, breathe. It's gonna be okay. Whatever is running through your mind just let it go.  Let those thoughts come and go like clouds."

I took several deep, calming breaths and chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that, Ro."

"No need," he waved a hand dismissively. "Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head and rested on his chest. A content sigh escaped me as his arms wrapped around me.


I couldn't believe the sight before my eyes. All I could do was laugh. The ever poised and perfect Roman Wulf looked like a baby moose, learning to walk, trying to walk on the ice in ice skates.

"Stop laughing, " he whined as I doubled over holding my sides.

"S-sorry..." I let out a loud sigh and caught my breath.

I skated over to the princely man and held my hands out to him.

"How are you so good? I thought you lived more if your life in warmer climates than colder ones, " he took my hands and wobbled a bit on his feet.

"I've got Patton to thank for that. He insisted we take ice skating lessons." I said before instructing him on the basic principles of standing while in ice skates. Once he did as he was told I told him to stop staring at his feet. "Just watch my ugly mug, " I chuckled.

"Keep talking bad about yourself and I'm telling Patton in you, " Roman chided.

"Sorry. Anyway, don't look down."

We skated like that, with me going backwards and Roman holding my hands for a while. When I was confident he wouldn't biff it on the ice I moved to skate beside him.

Once the cold started to seep in through our winter clothing we decided to call it a day.

We were on our way back to the car when I screamed out in pain. Some jack ass had thrown a snowball right at my ear. If you've never experienced it I can tell you, it fucking hurts.

"What the hell?!" Roman called at to my attacker while helping me to dust the freezing substance from my ear and face.

"Your music fucking sucks!"

I glared over at the punk and grit my teeth. I was ready to throw a snowball right back at him.

"You are entitled to your wrong opinion, " Roman stated, stepping in front of me. I blinked in shock and stared up at him. "Now have a good day." He took my arm and we made out way back to the car.

We were two blocks away from the ice rink when Roman let off a torrent of curses, calling the punk every name in the book.

"Should've just let me throw a snowball at him."

"I saw you make the snowball, Virgil. A rock covered in snow does not, a snowfall make."

I feigned innocence for all of the seconds before chuckling and nodding. "He deserved it though. There was a piece of ice in the one he threw at me."

"Two wrongs do not make a right, My Chemically Imbalanced Romance."

"Fiiiiine. Whatever you say, Daaaad."

Roman chuckled and parked in front of the hotel. Handing the keys off to the valet we made our way inside to warm up.

That evening we walked to a nearby restaurant and enjoyed a romantic dinner, where no one complained about our music or threw snowballs at us.

The following day we exchanged Christmas gifts and stayed inside cuddling in the warmth while watching Disney movies.

It wasn't the best Christmas. But it was one of my top three favourite ones.

Everything Sucks (Book 2 of It's Not Over)Where stories live. Discover now