Chapter Twenty-Five🕷The Hobgoblin

Start from the beginning

Nodding, Jess hummed thoughtfully, "This is probably really good, honestly. It means you can speak more openly about mutant rights. The general public listened to the Avengers, and now that you're technically one, it'd be pretty easy to speak out about it and get more awareness."

I hadn't thought of that before, but it'd be nice to have so much influence over something I thought so passionately about. When I was about to respond, my phone buzzed in my purse, drawing my attention.

"I've got to go meet the group. I'll see you later Jess," I waved goodbye and walked out of the building, taking the short trek to the Starbucks where we agreed to meet.

Already waiting was Ned, MJ, Peter, and a new arrival; Gwen Stacy. Similar to other dimension Gwen in her fiery attitude and confidence; far from her in her lack of spider powers. She didn't look like a cartoon, either- not that anyone did in our home dimension.

"Any news on Harry?" I asked after getting my drink and sitting down in the last open seat at the table.

"No. It'd be better if you guys talked to him yourselves, too. He's always been against small time vigilantes, but since you're official Avengers now, he'll listen. It's that way for a lot of the force."

"We know, Gwen," Peter sighed tiredly. I could tell he didn't get a lot of sleep, fretting about Harry just like I had been.

"It's just easier if you're the one to do it. We're... busy."

"Dealing with Harry?" MJ already knew the answer, "Why not put an APB on Harry himself? He's probably not walking on the streets in his Hobgoblin uniform."

"Us ruining Norman's reputation is what spiraled him the first time. And now that everything is so public surrounding us, it'd be even worse for Harry. We want to help him, not ruin his life. He hasn't hurt anyone."

"Yet," Ned said what all of us were thinking.

Right on cue, a small trio of kids approached us - late elementary, early middle school age by the look of it. They were chattering nervously, and I picked up on what they wanted quickly.

"Can we get a picture?" One of the two boys asked.

"Of course," Peter and I got behind them and smile for the camera.

Peter got roped into a debate about who the best DC hero was, so I turned to the girl. Our first official picture as outed heroes. I wasn't going to mess it up.

"What's your name?"


"And who's your favorite hero, Charli?"

"Scarlet Witch."

I laughed at her bluntness. I liked her honesty, "And why is she your favorite?"

"Because even though she made some mistakes, she's still a hero. She taught me it's okay to mess up as long as you make things right."

"That's very true. Every hero makes mistakes, but it's fixing them and learning from them that's important."

The group retreated to their moms at a corner booth. While Ned fanboyed - "You're celebrities. And I'm friends with you!" - another person tugged my sleeve. Assuming it was another fan asking for a picture, I turned with a smile.


"Get out now, (Y/n). This is your last warning."



As soon as the window shattered, Peter was on top of the drone that flew through. Laughter, just like Norman's flooded into the cafe. It was Harry's lament.

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