Chapter Twenty🕷The Garden

Start from the beginning

Loading onto the ship, Peter and I set our bags in the corner and strapped in. Shuri excitedly sat in the Captain's seat, leaving a message for T'Challa that she was going to space because he was on a mission and she couldn't tell him in person. I wished I could see his reaction to that. I could practically hear the tired sigh.

"Leaving the ground," Shuri announced. The ship shot off the ground and into the air, slamming all of us back in our seats, "Note to self, fix that later. I talked to Rocket about their ship capabilities and received some new parts in return, so this baby is all ready for deep space travel. I have a map of the galaxy and jumping capabilities, so where do you want to go?"

"The Garden."

With wide eyes, my head snapped to face Peter. He sent me a confident smile in return. He knew what he was doing, so I had to trust his judgment.

"Alright. Planet located, coordinates locked. We've got four jumps to get there, so hold on."

G-force was a bitch. All of us gasped as Shuri started the jumps and we were unable to move a finger. Once a jump was completed, there were a few seconds of reprieve where the ship was traveling to another jump spot, and then the cycle began again.

By the time we were done, all of us were groaning in discomfort. Shuri never lost her smile, however, and even managed a laugh or two in between panting for air and clutching a garbage can that was hidden under the dash.

"Everybody good?" She questioned, we managed groans in reply, "Awesome. Because that was the best moment of my life and I can't wait to do it again on the way back."

We all laughed. Tapping away at her holo-pads, Shuri pulled up an image of mine and Thanos' old home.

"This is the only structure on the planet. Is there where you want to go?"

"Yeah." I shot Peter another look. What kind of game was he playing? Did he want me to face my deepest insecurities and worst trauma?

A few, short minutes later we landed. I spun my chair around so I wouldn't be able to see the decrepit structure. Peter grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. Humming to herself with no idea of why we were so out of it, Shuri wandered into a separate room of the ship and came back out rolling what looked like a coffin.

"What's... what do you got there?" I asked nervously.

Slamming her hand down on the button that opened the back, Shuri grinned, "Your boyfriend asked me to smuggle away some of our Ancestor Sand. It's incredibly important to my people and we might get arrested if it's discovered we took some. Fun!"

Following her mutely, Shuri parked the box a few feet away from the steps of the house. I didn't want to go inside. I didn't know if Thanos' corpse was still there, having been rotting away for five years. I didn't want to find out, either.

"This is your closure," Peter explained as Shuri opened the box to reveal it was full of red sand, "That sand can make you meet whoever you need to talk to, even if they're dead. You needed to talk to Thanos, now you can. This is your closure."

"Peter-" My chest tightened.

"Talk to me after you murder him again for what he did," Peter grabbed me by my hips and lifted me into the box.

The sand was smoother than I thought, almost like silk against my skin. Lying down, my heart dropped to my stomach when Shuri began moving the sand over my body, not caring if it was a little too close to my face as she went through the process.

"The sand's particles are far enough apart that oxygen can still get through, unlike normal sand. In order for it to work, we have to cover your face. But you'll be able to breathe," Shuri assured me.

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