Chapter Nineteen🕷Parallel by Trial

Start from the beginning

Congregation murmuring, Matt gave me a small smile.

"That's all, Your Honor. Cross-ex?"

The main prosecutor stood, approaching me on the stand. Despite the confident front they put on, I could tell they were nervous. Shifting, sweating. We were tearing their case apart, and they were so confident earlier.

"You said that he 'made' the world think he was a hero. How does him being an ex-Stark employee affect his status as a hero?"

"It process his story about being from another reality is false, for one," my eye twitched as my annoyance grew, "He used illusion technology and weaponized drones to both show and inflict the damage he wanted."

"And he was able to do this by himself? How could one man, a normal human man as you claim, manage everything that it would take to fool the world?"

The prosecutor sent the jury a confident smirk, but I was about to destroy him.

"He had a team. I don't know how many people were on it, but they each had a role in the plot. Those are the people you should be going after, because I'm certain they've broken more laws than we had."

"Including the Accords?"

That made me livid. The Accords were void to the world after the first fight for the Infinity Stones, and nobody even mentioned them after the second fight to bring everyone back.

"I never signed the Accords, so they don't apply. And I don't see how that is topical."

"... And how are you aware of this team?"

There it was, "When he attempted to kill me and Peter after we discovered he was a fake, a member of his team threw my body into a lake. Princess Shuri of Wakanda saved my life."

Another shocking statement that sent ripples through the crowd. The prosecutor rushed to his council and spoke with them rapidly. I waited patiently. I knew they were scrambling to poke holes in my story and save their case against Peter. No one could have suspected the upset I would bring.

"Describe the events leading up to the victim's death."

They wanted to trip me up, but that wasn't what I feared. It'd lead to me revealing my bloodbending, and while I'd come to terms with it, the public wouldn't be so kind. Heroes walked on a tightrope, and Wanda Maximoff was a prime example of what could happen if you can't balance on it.

"Peter and I confronted Beck for what he was doing. He tried to kill us for a second time. We destroyed the drones he attempted to use, and he used one final illusion to trick us into thinking he was dying. Peter and I sensed something was off, and Peter grabbed his hand to stop him from shooting us. And I... stopped his other hand."

"How did you stop his other hand?"

There it was, "I can control the water in a human's body. So I made him stop."

"Have you ever used your ability to hurt someone?"

"Ice pierces metal."

"And I... am... Iron Man."

"To end the beginning."

My ice hit its mark, aimed for a joint at the center of his back where his suit would be weak-

Matt jumped to my aid when I tensed up. I learned his senses were much sharper than tha average person, so he must have heard my heart rate rise.

"Objection on the ground of topicality."

"We're done anyway, Your Honor."

Allowed to step off the stand, I hurried over to my parents, collapsing into my seat. My parents both grabbed one of my hands, and MJ and Ned behind us- MJ with her parents and Ned with his mom - put a hand on my shoulders. Sending them small smiles, we all focused in on the judge.

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