Chapter Twenty Eight

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"What do you mean the cave is going to collapse?" Uma asked.
Mal opened her mouth to say something but the cave began to shake, pebbles started to tumble down the walls and fall. The VK'S looked up.
"We've got to get out of here!" Celia yelled.
Uma stood up.
"Where are we supposed to go!" Jay asked.
Morgan looked at the pond in front of them. His bracelet started to glow. Morgan jumped in the water and turned into his octopus form. When he resurfaced the tips of his black and green tentacles poked out of the water.
"Who wants a ride?" Morgan asked.
"How do we know there's an exit down there?" Jay asked.
"You don't . . . you just got to . . ." Morgan said.
"Trust the sea." Uma and Morgan said in unison.
Uma and Morgan looked at each other and smiled. Uma shrugged.
"I'm down." She said.
Uma jumped in the air and Morgan caught her. Mal looked at the VK'S. Celia ran and jumped into Morgan's tentacle.
"Woo-hoo!" She yelled.
Mal shrugged and did the same. Eventually the rest of the VK'S caved in and jumped into Morgan's tentacles. Thankfully he had eight tentacles or he wouldn't have had enough room for everyone.
"You guys ready?" Morgan asked.
The VK'S nodded and took a deep breath. Morgan went underwater. The water below looked amazing. Mal was amazed. It was beautiful! Schools of fish swam all around them. One fish even swam by Uma and put a starfish in one of her braids. Uma smiled and touched the starfish with her fingertips. Uma then saw something sparkle at the bottom of the sea.
"What's that?" Uma asked, forgetting that the VK'S can't talk.
Morgan stopped swimming and looked at what Uma was talking about.
"It looks like an opening." Morgan replied.
"How is that possible, we're in the sea of it was an opening all the water would be gone." Uma said. "Magic is strong but not that strong."
"Well let's try." Morgan said.
Morgan swam to whatever was sparkling. He looked at it.
"Wait a second . . . it is an opening!" Morgan said.
Uma frowned.
"Impossible." She said.
Morgan stuck his hand threw the opening. He felt air!
"Possible." Morgan said.
Morgan took the tentacle he was holding Uma in and stuck her through the opening.
"Wow." Uma said looking around.
She was then brought back underwater.
"See?" Morgan asked.
"I think I saw Skull Island." Uma said.
The twins on the other hand were about to pass out.
"We may need to get everyone back in the air though." Uma said, looking at the twins, awkwardly.
Morgan saw the twins.
"Oh right!" He said.
He used his bracelet to turn back into a human and with a snap of his fingers the VK'S were on an island.
The VK'S breathed heavily.
"Thank you." Evie said, crouching over her knees, trying to keep her breathing steady.
Squirmy looked around. He frowned.
"Where are we?" He asked.
"Skull Island!" Squeaky yelled.
Squeaky was pointing off into the sea. The VK'S looked out in the sea. The sun was bright so they squinted as they looked. There a couple of yards away was Skull Island.
"Yes!" Uma yelled.
"How are we supposed to get there?" Jay asked.
Squeaky and Squirmy looked around. Off in the distance was a really tall palm tree. They at each other and smiled.
"We could build a boat!" They said, turning towards the others.
The VK'S looked at the twins. Celia shrugged.
"It's worth a shot." She said walking towards them.
Celia stood behind them and looked at the rest of the VK'S.
"I don't see why not." Jay said.
"Yeah, okay." Mal said.
The twins ran to the palm tree and shook it.
"Harder, Squirmy, harder!" Squeaky told his brother.
The twins shook and shook until the tree fell. Mal's jaws flew open. How was that possible?
"Now we just need a sword." Squirmy said.
The VK'S looked around. Uma spotted one up ahead.
"Over there!" She said.
The twins looked in the direction Uma was pointing in. They ran to the sword. Both of them put their hands on the handle at the same time and pulled. They pulled and pulled and eventually the sword lifted. The thing is the sword wasn't a sword.
It was a stick with a handle. The twins looked at each other, a worried look on their face.
"Run!" They yelled.
They started to run and bumped into an invisible wall. They fell on the ground. Frowning they rubbed their foreheads and sat up.
"Ouch." Squirmy said.
"Guys!" Uma yelled running to the invisible wall.
Jay and Carlos was right behind her. Uma banged on the wall.
"Stand back!" Mal yelled.
Carlos, Jay, And Uma looked back. They saw that Mal was turning into a dragon. When Mal was a full dragon she was floating a little bit. She landed and opened her mouth. The back of her throat was orange.
It looked like she had swallowed the sun. Mal took in a deep breath and flames flew out her mouth like the rain that fell from the sky. Uma, Jay, And Carlos jumped out the way while the fire melted the invisible wall. When Mal was out of breath she turned back into a human.
"Did it work?" Celia asked.
"Who knows?" Evie asked.
"Well, there's only one way to find out." Morgan said.
Morgan walked to the wall. Flames danced on the wall. But when he looked at it the flames formed a huge circle. Morgan stuck his hand through the wall and was able to touch the twins. Great! The only problem is, the hole was too high from the ground, the twins couldn't get out.
Morgan turned to Mal.
"Give it one more blast, except try doing it a little lower." Morgan said.
Mal was still trying to catch her breath.
"Okay, just . . . give me a second."
"Are you okay?" Evie asked.
"No." Mal said. "When I blasted the wall with my fire breath it felt like it was taking all my energy!"
"I think she needs to rest." Uma said.
"Yeah, I don't think her body can handle all the powers she has." Carlos said.
Mal took a breathe and sighed.
"I'll give it one more try." She said.
Mal was about to turn into a dragon but something stopped her. A human hand was poking out the water. Mal frowned and tilted her head.
"Uh, what's that?" She asked.

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