"My little fallen angel, don't go too far away, okay? You know what's going to happen if you do, so please come back quickly..." nervously said 0257, biting his bottom lip and turning around and looking at this little friends reunion, making sure Jimin was under his alert eyes, to push away any hunter, most likely their leader, who wanted to lock the blonde haired male with the others.

"Who's this!!" Hoseok whispered not that subtly, eyeing the hunter up and down, observing his best friend's new friend, kinda judging his choice in men, especially the ones who were the kind to put their lover's best friend into a cage just like the others.

"I'll explain everything to you later, hyung, I promise you," hurriedly said the youngest male, before he walked back to probably the nicest person he had ever met, laying back down into his arms, his head into his neck and purred gently while the hunter caressed his head.

The small male felt comforted into this "0257"'s arms, and even though he had to quit his best friend before he even had the time to explain anything, he knew he would be safer in 0257's arms. The pale flaxen hued haired male felt a burning sensation in his chest, like if he was having a conscious stroke, and whenever he looked up into 0257's eyes, he felt the sensation intensify. Feeling observed, the hunter looked down, and met Jimin's eyes, which instantly looked away, a burning red on his cheeks. What was this new sensation he was feeling? Was it good? Was it bad? Was he even supposed to feel this way after all? Was he dying in the arms of the very handsome man that was smiling at him so cutely that it warmed up his heart a little? Well... "very" is a strong choice of words for what he felt... The older male gently caressed the very emaciated male's fire truck red cheeks of two pale yet gentle fingers, still with a touch as gentle as the one of a paintbrush on a blank canevas, whilst also smiling at him gently. The prisoners' mind started fabulating on the things they could do together...his hands running into the huntsman's soft and well placed hair, but he was just too shy to put this little fantasies in action.

"My little angel..." sighed sadly the hunter, "I don't know if I'll be able to see you when you'll be in there... I might not even guard the same section as yours and well I know this is rushed but..."

Jimin was about to reassure him, telling him that he'll wish really hard for them to be in the same section and to see one another everyday and that, deep inside of him, he felt this brand new feeling he had never experienced before, which only the hunter was able to make him feel, but he was cut short in his train of houghts because 0247's lips approched his, for his first ever kiss in his entire life. He closed his eyes and giggled cutely, readying himself for their lips touching one another and locking like they were made to be one another's, two puzzles pieces fitting with one another, but he instead felt a sharp pain behind his back, accompanied by a loud chuckle. Another electric shock was sent through his body, making his back arch with the pain of it, and his body convulse for a little before he looked around at who was the cause of this rumpus. The hunter with luscious hair was frowning, looking back at his leader, fists clenched and knuckles white from rage, ready for battle.

"No physical relationship with the merchandise, 0257! You don't want to corrupt it before it gets acquired by those lonely millionaires for a price bigger than three times your annual salary!" chuckled in front of them the imposing leader, in his right hand the weapon used for the crime, the same taser everybody had around their belts.

"Was I making sure he was alright? Yes. Was I looking at him to make sure you wouldn't get your hands on him? Yes. Was I having a "physical relationship" as you so describe? No. I don't see what I've done wrong here!" complained the hunter in charge of the slightly femininely curved male.

"Listen here, you little rascal, you're gonna obey, or you're both getting in the cage," growled the leader, grabbing the younger huntsman by the collar and meeting face to face with him.

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