❤️ Secret Admirer for Valentine's ❤️

363 10 3

Published: February 16, 2020

Word count: 837

(Y/N) = your name
(B/F/N) = best friend's name
(C/N) = crush's name
(C/H/C) = crush's hair color
(C/E/C) = crush's eye color

'Nope, I'm not doing it.'

'Come on, (Y/N), it would be so romantic! We'll make sure you don't get caught!'

You looked at everything but (B/F/N)'s begging puppy-dog eyes. Every time she wanted you to do something, she had but to make you look into her eyes and you would succumb.

'No! Not this time.' You remained firm. Under no condition were you planning to give in to her.

What did she want this time? Well, it was nearly Valentine's day, and she was hoping you would do something special. You had already refused to confess to your crush, but that didn't stop her. She now wanted you to write (C/N) a card and sign it 'secret admirer.'

You weren't completely opposed to it, but the thought of getting caught or of him finding out somehow, terrified you.

You snuck a peek at your best friend, wondering if she'd perhaps given up. She had been awfully quiet.

However, as soon as you looked, you regretted it. She sat right there next to you, her eyes pleading, her hands clasped together as if in prayer. For a moment you resisted, hoping to whatever higher power existed that this wouldn't be enough to convince you, but deep inside you knew it was hopeless. The puppy-dog eyes had done you in.

'Ugh! Fine.' You threw your hands up in surrender.

'Yay!' (B/F/N) cheered, and you rolled your eyes at her enthusiasm. 'Come, girl, Valentine's day is tomorrow! Let's go buy you a card!'

She nearly dragged you to the store, handing you cards to look at with the energy of a five-year-old kid at bedtime.

'He's gonna love this one.' You mumbled, turning a card over in your hands that read You're cute! Can I keep you?

'(B/F/N), I've made my choice, can we go now?' You huffed, placing the twenty-something cards she had given you back on the rack.

'Wait! I still need something for my boyfriend!'

You let out a sigh. This was gonna take a while.

An hour later, (B/F/N) held a cute teddy bear and a rose in her arms, and you ended up with not only your card, but also the heart-shaped box of chocolates she managed to convince you to buy.

'Write something cute, but not something too stalkerish.' You jumped, not realizing how she stood behind you, peering over your shoulder at the empty card in front of you.

'Would you just go mind your own business? Last I checked, you have a romantic date to plan out.'

Not a bit fazed by your attitude, she spun around on her heel and left, whistling a Disney love song as she went.

Tapping your pen against your chin, your thoughts wandered to (C/N), the (C/H/C), (C/E/C) eyed boy. What would you write? Definitely not something that made you sound like a stalker, like (B/F/N) said, but also not something that could lead him to find out who gave him the card.

Dear (C/N),

You caught my eye the day we met. You're special. You have a very positive aura. I love hearing the passion in your voice when you talk about things you love. It's almost like you light up. You're an amazing (C/I) player, and I love (watching/listening to) you play. I would go on, but I actually need to finish this card in time for Valentine's Day, so I'll keep it short. I like you, (C/N).

Your secret admirer

You doodled some flowers and hearts around your message before slipping the card into an envelope and writing his name on the front.

'You done yet, girlfriend? I've got some movies for us to watch!' (B/F/N) called you from the living room.



The next day, you stood in the corridor with (B/F/N), the latter whispering words of encouragement in your ear. You wiped your clammy hands on your clothes. Taking a deep breath, you walked over to (C/N)'s locker, quickly taping the envelope to the door.

Before (C/N) could spot you, you hid in the crowd of students, next to your locker so you could use it as an excuse if the need arose.

'I did it, (B/F/N).' Your eyes were wide, almost like you couldn't believe what you had just done.

'Oh, I'm so proud of you!' She squealed, enveloping you in a hug.


A smile graced your features as you watched him over lunch. You watched as he opened the envelope, and you saw the blush creep up his neck, all the way to the tips of his ears when his friends proceeded to tease him about it. But despite that, he looked so happy...

'Changing your mind about confessing?' (B/F/N) smirked.

You shook your head in response. 'Maybe eventually, but for now, he's happy, and that's all I want.'

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to all of you! I hope you all your plans worked out (for those that had any!)

I wish I had the guts to confess to my crush, or at least give him something for Valentine's. But nope, it's never gonna happen. If any of you did, please feel free to post them in the comments, I'd love to hear about your experiences.

My mom recently saw him play during our last concert. She said he played well (okay obviously, he's really good) and then she remarked that he is actually handsome. I didn't know how to respond to that. Awkward...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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