Chapter 2

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Your Pov

I pack up all my belongings as I noticed the picture frame of me and Yurio. Our first Christmas together. But now we're no longer a thing. I heard a hock outside as I finish packing. 

I hurried down the stairs as I find Victor waiting inside the car with Yuri and Makkachin. "Hey sorry making you guys wait," I apologized.

"It's alright Y/N. Ready?" Victor asked as I nodded my head.

Pressing my cheek up against the cold window as I watch the snowflakes gently falling. "You sure you want to take a small break Y/N?" Yuri asked as I nodded my head. 

"It'll be good for me it's been a year since I have seen my family," I told Yuri as he pets makkachin. Before I knew it we arrived at the airport. 

Victor helped me with my luggage. "I guess this is goodbye," I said.

"For now," Yuri said as I smiled. I gave Makkachin a kiss on his head as Victor pulls us into a group hug. I walk to gate eight as Victor and Yuri wave goodbye. I wave back as I abord the plane. 

'This really is goodbye' I sigh as I closed my eyes.


"Miss we have landed," The flight attends woke me up. "Oh sorry," I said as I got up to get my stuff. I walk into the airport to find many photos of me winning the gold medal. 

"LOOK IT'S Y/N!" Someone screamed which caught everybody's attention. 'Ah, shit' I got crowded by fans. 

"I'M A HUGE FAN," One person yelled. "CONGRATS ON WINNING," Another person yelled.

"Ahh thank you," I said as fans cheered even louder. I looked around to see dad in the distance. "Dad!" I called out. 

"OH, MY SWEET Y/N YOU FINALLY CAME BACK HOME!" Dad squeezed me into a hug. "D-dad y-your g-going t-to kill m-mee," I pleaded.  

"Oh, sorry honey I'm just so happy to see you. It's been three years since we been together as a family," He happily said as I smiled. 

"Where's Haruhi?" I asked. 

"Oh she still at school," Dad said as we get inside the car. "I kinda want to surprise her," I told him as he smiles. 

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see you," He said as he drops me off at Haruhi's school.

'Damn this school is huge' I walk onto the school grounds as I could feel the student's eyes on me. 

"Is that Y/N? The famous ice skating Olympic!!?" A student whispers. I started to speed walk as I knew they were following me.

'Crap I gotta lose them' I walk inside the school I could feel even more eyes on me. 

I look behind to find a huge group of students following me. 

"OH MY GOD, THAT IS THE FAMOUS OLYMPIC Y/N!!!!!" A girl screamed. 'Ah, shit not again'  I started to run through the halls as more people join in to chase me.

I look up to see a room up ahead 'Might have to crush a club' I run ahead as I instantly open the door and closing it. I sigh sliding down onto the floor.

"Made it," I mumble. "Excuse me," I look up to meet the purple eyes of a boy with blonde hair. "Who are you??" He asked as I got up from the floor. 

"I'm Y/N Fujioka sorry for crushing your club," I apologized.

"Y/N!!??" I look to see "Haruhi...surprise," I awkwardly replied. Before I knew it Haruhi attacked me with a hug. 

"You don't know how much I missed you," Haruhi cried as I rub her back. 

"I know. I'm sorry but coming to visit earlier," I told Haruhi as she soon let go of me. "Haruhi you know her?" The boy earlier asked. 

"Yeah she's my older sister," Haruhi explains. The whole room stayed in shock.

"They didn't know?" I asked. "HOW COULD YOU HARUHI NOT TELL YOUR OWN FATHER THAT YOU HAD AN OLDER SISTER!!!" The blonde boy screamed. 

"Well it never came up Tamkia senpai," Haruhi replied.

"You should've told us earlier," An orange hair boy poped up to Haruhi's side. "Yeah," It was the same boy, or does he have a twin? 

"Y/N Fujioka Olympic gold winner figure skater. Recently won first place for Japan," A raven hair boy said.

'He seems familiar' "Oh your Kyoya Ootori I met you and your father and brothers after the competition," Kyoya nodded his head "Pleasure to meet you again Miss Fujioka," I smiled as one of the twins stared at me.

"A-Ah how do we know she's really an Olympic figure skater. She might be faking it," He smirks as I smirk back. "Do you guys have a skating rank here?"


I started a few warm-ups on the ice "WE HAVE AN ICE RANK!" Haruhi exclaim. "We always did," A little boy said. "Alright play any song!" Soon the music started and I already know what moves to do.

I started off with a few simple quads that look difficult to mastered. I started to skate backward as I sped up more. 

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! YOU'RE GOING TO GET HURT," I smirk as I landed a lutz jump.

Hikaru's Pov

I watch as Y/N do a few warm-ups on the ice. "Hikaru. Why didn't you believe Y/N?" I sigh as I look back at the ice seeing her already skating around. 

"She could be lying Kaoru," I look back at the ice to see Y/N speeding up while staking backward.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! YOU'RE GOING TO GET HURT," I yelled as Y/N landed the jump. 'Wow s-she really did land the jump' I kept watching her skate. 

"Ah her signature move that no other ice skater dares to do her signature move," Kyoya pointed out. 'I guess she's really an Olympic skater'

Your Pov

I finish the small skate routine as I skated back to the railing "So, now do you believe me?" I asked the ginger as he looked away. 

"Yes I do," He muttered. "Wow Y/N-chan! Your so good!" A lolita boy exclaim.

"Oh thank you it takes a lot of hard work and training to perfect a lutz jump," Haruhi hands me a bottle of water. "Now I know why you spent so much time in the ice rank and dance studio," Haruhi pointed out as I smiled.

"I just realized I never did catch any of your names," I pointed out. "Well, I'm Tamaki Suoh the president of the host club,"

"Kyoya Ootori vice president,"

"The twins Hikaru Hitiachiin and Kaoru Hitiachiin,"

"Takashi Morinozuka likes to be called Mori,"

"Lastly Mitsukuni Haninozuka," 

"Call me Honey!" I nodded my head. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all," I smiled.

"And a pleasure to meet Haruhi's older sister," Tamaki exclaim. "You must have done a lot of practice to do those difficult jumps," Honey said as I shake my head. 

"Well a bit but I was able to handle the hard work," Honey smiles. We soon hear a bell ring as I got off the ice. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you all but I got some unpacking to do," I waved goodbye as I walked back home.

"Wait!" I turn around to see Hikaru. "Yes?" He catches his breath. "I-I wanted to say sorry for not believing you," He looks away as I smiled. "It's alright," I forgave him as he stares at me in total shock. 

I began to walk away 'it's not the first'

Hikaru's Pov

S-She really forgave me?! After all, I said! Wow, she's really an interesting one. "Hikaru!" I turn around to see Kaoru. "Did you apologized?" I sigh "Yes," Kaoru smiles. "Good your finally growing up,"

Oh, he really pushing it. "WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!!!"

Yuri on Ice and OHSHC crossover Yuri Pilsetsky x Reader x Kyoya x Hikaru x MoriWhere stories live. Discover now