Waking up

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Sylvia's pov:
An annoying beeping sound wakes me up. Where is that damn alarm clock and what the heck is on my arm? Opening my eyes after an annoyed sigh. What the fuck is going on and where am I!? That's when I suddenly remember what happened. Dracul kidnapping and kicking me, Lara getting me some water and then Callen who had found me. It looks like i am at a hospital, again. Softly touching my belly where some wires are bound around, which is a relief! Because this could only mean that my baby is still alive! The door gets opened and a middle aged doctor stays in the doorway.
„Ah Miss Gibbs, it's good to see you awake already!" he says with a soft smile before coming closer towards me. Suspiciously I check him over real quick, it doesn't look like he carry's any weapons but you could never be to sure about that.
„Your cardio-vascular-Levels are finally stabilizing as well as the ones from your baby. Do you have any questions, any pain or something else?" he questions me happy about my parameters, at least it seems like it.
„The pain is bearable, thank you. My baby? I know you said the parameters are stabilizing, but is he or she really alright?" I ask him afraid that something might be wrong with my baby. He said the parameters but what about anything else that could be wrong?
„They are just perfectly fine, where from the start to be honest with you. we however just want to make sure it stays that way since you had internal bleeding." he answers me reassuringly. And just like that i feel like a huge mountain fell off of my chest!
„Thank you so much!" I answer him thankfully and completely relieved! my only real worry from the start from my kidnapping was my baby's well being.
„Of course! Your husband should be back in a bit. He just went to get your daughter something to eat." he tells me with a soft smile before leaving me alone and completely confused.
Daughter? What is he talking about?
The door again gets opened and a small giggle was heard before Callen's face appears in the doorway.
„Sylvia!" he says in shock and relief before quickly making his way towards me and kisses me softly.
„Don't you scare me like that all the time!" he tells me with tears leaking out of his eyes!
„Sorry." i whisper back and then finally see Lara next to Callen.
„Lara Love! Hey!" I say happy to see her safe and sound.
„Hewo syvia! You all bedda again?" she asks me hopefully.
„All better now love! Come here!" I say with open arms to give her a hug. She hurriedly climbs up the bed, with Callen's assistance and throws herself into my open arms.
„So what did I hear about my husband and daughter getting something to eat?" I ask Callen who watches Lara and me cuddle on the bed with a soft smile.
„Well, if you don't have any problem with it I thought why not." he answers after clearing his throat and honest eyes. Wait is he serious?
„Are you serious!?" i ask in complet shock. Don't get me wrong I would love to have that little cutie as my daughter, but let's be honest. I don't even know how Callen thinks of me being pregnant. So I don't want to get myself to excited right away!
„I think she would be an awesome bigger sister and she needs a loving and safe home. So, why not?" he answers with a shrug of his shoulders. But I know him, he would never say something like that without thinking it completely through. Still it's quit surprising!
„You mean it!?" I question again to make sure, giving him another easy way out of this.
„Absolutely. I know that you care deeply for her and so do I, so as long as you are on board, so am I!" he tells me with honesty shining in his eyes. Feeling my face slowly splitting into two from how big I was smiling.
„I love you!" I say with tears falling out of my eyes. He only wipes them away softly, before softly lifting Lara back into his arms.
„And I love you more!" he whispers and kisses my lips again.
„So, we are doing it?" he asks with a raised eyebrow.
„Yes! Yes we do!" I answer him with a huge smile and nodding vigorously.
„Can me seep again? Me is weally tiwed." Lara asks a bit afraid while rubbing her eyelids.
„Of course you can love! Here let me scoot over a bit and you can sleep right next to me!" I softly answer her. She smiles at me and crawls next to me before curling herself up against my chest. Only a second later she was out cold.
„She really is a cutie isn't she?" Callen asks me with a smile.
„That she is indeed." I say with a nod.
„You know what she did back there? She brought me some water into the basement even thought she knew she would get in trouble for it. She even apologized to me that her uncle isn't a nice guy." I tell Callen with a shake of my head. feeling my heart expand even more for that special little girl that now sleeps so peacefully next to me.
„Then it's only fair that we are going to give her the life that she deserves!" he answers me and kisses my wedding ring again.
Not long after the door opened once again.
„Sylvia!" a relieved looking Gibbs says as he enters the room.
„Hey Gibbs!" I answer with a smile.
„Oh, the little cutie is asleep again? I thought you said she slept til 10am?" he asks Callen confused, which lets me look up worriedly as well. If she really slept for that long, how could she still be so tired?
„She did, but the doctor yesterday said that the painkillers are going to make her sleepy." Callen explains him with a frown. Painkillers? Doctors? What is going on with my baby girl?
„Why painkillers? Is she hurt?" I instantly panic that something may be wrong with Lara without my knowledge. Why hasn't anyone told me about this sooner?
„Relax! While you where in the OR I let a doctor check her through. She has a few cuts and some bruises. The doctor has given me some painkillers and some cream to help the healing." Callen reassures me. Nodding my head along his explanation, before softly kissing Lara's forehead in utter relief that she isn't seriously ill or sick without me being able to help. After relaxing myself again, i return my attention back to Gibbs.
„How long do you plan on staying with us?" i ask him, hoping he would stay longer than his usual two days maximum.
„I have a few years worth of leave, so I plan to stay a few weeks if that is fine with you guys." he says with a small chuckle.
„Need to get to know my little granddaughter now, don't I?" he adds with a smirk.
„That's settled than!" I say happy to get to spend some time with him again. Normally he only would stay so shortly and also only for work related things that we don't get to hang out. So the next couple of weeks is only for family! Because Gibbs is just that to us, family!

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