Chapter 4

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(Izuku's pov)

Izuku liked to think of himself as a patient, generally nice person. Even though his time on the streets has changed him, made him tougher, more cautious and aggressive than he would have liked to admit, he didn't become a bad person.

That was the reason he always gotten himself into situations like this one.
Because whenever he would find a person in danger, in need of someone willing to help, he always jumped in without a second thought. (An annoying habit if you asked Tenko, really)

So when Izuku was walking home (when he started to consider that ruined, dirty and uncomfortable place home, he didn't even know) with Tenko by his side, and heard the muffled, faint sounds of a girl's sobbing from the distance, he ran towards the voice, leaving behind a very confused (and so very annoyed) Tenko, without a moment's hesitation.

The sounds belonged to a young female, who looked to be around his age.
She was sobbing quietly below a large pinetree, tightly hugging a Teddy bear to her chest, trying to look as small as she could.
She had bloodstained, ash blond hair with two messy buns and straight cutted bangs, large, tearfull yellow eyes, and she was wearing a dirty, baggy school uniform.

It wasn't a very heartwarming sight.

"A-are you a-alright?" -he mentally cursed himself. Of course she wasn't alright! She seemed far from being alright, and he was just a stranger in filthy clothes and with an unsettling, disturbing appearance!

And in addition to that, he was freaking stuttering. (And here he thought he managed to leave that annoying habit behind. But it seems some things just wouldn't change)

But to his surprise, the other kid didn't seem to mind. She raised her head to look up at him, with wide open, pleading eyes and trembling, slightly parted lips.

"I-I am not!" -sobbed the girl-"S-stupid kids are being mean to me! T-they called me names a-and mommy is not here!"

"I'm sure your mum will be here soon." -he tried to comfort the girl- "I will stay here with you so the stupid kids won't dare to bother you again, is that alright?"


"Of course! Even though I am not really strong, my friend here will scare them away if they dare to come back. Right, Tenko? "

The boy in question was standing just a few feet away, seemingly unimpressed by the whole situation. He didn't understand why Izuku had to help strangers. Didn't he see they could be dangerous? That someday, his hero complex would bring both of them into a situation, that couldn't be solved by nice words? He could get them killed someday.

He knew he was being dramatic, but Izuku was his (only) friend, and he didn't like sharing.

So his answer was only a frown.

If Izuku wanted to play hero, he would let him. He only needed to stay close to him, so he could save his ass if something went wrong. (But really. What could possibly go wrong? They weren't even fighting, just waiting for the damned brat's mother to show up. So he could let his idiot of a friend to play nice with a random stranger

For now. )

"Don't mind him, he is just jealous!" -laughed Izuku, seeing his friend's expression.

"Jealous? But why?"

"Dunno, he just likes being plain in the ass"

"Shut up. I am not being jealous. Just cautious." -mumbled the older. He was totally not jealous (he was, but it was easier to deny) okay? He was just...worried.

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