Chapter 7: Friends old and new.

Start from the beginning

The Eagle dropped the Trout for the Wolf who ate it whilst the Eagle flew down beside the Wolf and ate the rabbit. The two animals ate silently in each other's presence their trade a sign of companionship and future Alliance.

Off in the Myre, (Y/n) silently ate at a camp setup by Him, Momiji, and The Orochi.

They were headed west to Ashfield to (Y/n)'s homeland.

(Y/n) was nervous.

How many of Apollyon's blackstones were there? Was the Iron Legion still able to fight? Or had they been eradicated completely.

What if Ashfield was completely taken over by Blackstones?

No, The Warden and (Y/n)'s friends were there to stop that, (Y/n) knew they would never let Apollyon have taken over Ashfield so easily.

But why did (Y/n) have a feeling that told him he was going to fail?

Pulled from his thoughts, (Y/n) listened to The Orochi as they spoke up.

"Get ready to move you two, We can't be seen by Blackstone forces if we do, we must kill them all not a single one can report back. (Y/n), lead the way." The Orochi stated to (Y/n) and Momiji.

(Y/n) nodded and jogged forward the two Samurai following after (Y/n). As the three warriors journeyed through the pines they had started to see the full brutality of Apollyon's grief.

The forest was littered with corpses, all of Iron legion and Blackstone faction. (Y/n) had stopped moving and stared at the valley of the dead in sadness and anger his fist closed tightly his other held his longsword in an iron grip. The Orochi could swear they heard the steel blade groan and bend from the grip.

Hesitantly, The Orochi placed a reassuring hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder making him flinch.

"This is not how I wished to see my home when I returned..." (Y/n) stated solemnly anguish in his heart.

The Orochi was about to say something to attempt to comfort the warrior until they all heard footsteps running in their direction.

Blackstone soldiers came running towards them followed by a Conqueror.

"A Blackstone patrol." The Orochi scowled and went into a fighting stance katana pointed right at the enemy.

(Y/n) stepped forward.

"Why do you fight for Apollyon? Is it fear? Or do you fight because you think the Blackstones will rule all? Put your weapons down we must stop fighting her wars." (Y/n) proclaimed making the Conqueror laugh.

"Can you believe this one? Ha, He thinks that we are going to just put our blades down for the Samurai? Not on my life, traitor!" The Conqueror growled out getting into a fighting stance as well.

"Very well. I see now that Blackstones do not reason but only respond to that of violence, so if I must purge this land of Blackstone rule to end this...Perpetual conflict, by killing all who stand in my way..then I shall do so with mercy in my heart but not in my blade." With that last statement (Y/n) charged forward

(Y/n) charged for the Conqueror ignoring the captains around him The Orochi and Momiji will deal with them. 

(Y/n) ducked the Conqueror's strike swinging his blade and hitting the Conqueror in the side slashing the Conqueror and hindering the warrior's ability to swing the flak at (Y/n). (Y/n) then slammed his shoulder into the Conqueror's shield making the Conqueror stumble (Y/n) took the opportunity to knock the Shield out of the Conqueror's hand. As he knocked away the shield he released his sword both went flying.

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