“Hey Hinata!” The blonde brightly greeted the six months pregnant woman, who smiled tiredly rubbing her belly as he approached her.

“Hi Naruto." Falling into a pleasant conversation while keeping an eye on the children on the playground.  “Have you heard about Kiba?" Hinata suddenly asked. Naruto frowned staring at the worried woman. He hadn’t heard from the brunette all week, figuring that he must have been sick, so he was planning to give him a call later. “No. Did something happen?"

The raven haired woman bit her lip, the depths of her eyes shadowing a hidden sorrow.  “He was found beaten in his apartment.”  The blonde gasped at what he heard, his eyes widening with concern.  “A neighbor said he had spotted four men leaving his apartment." Naruto felt his blood run cold, “Where is he now?"

“Last I heard he was in the hospital. Poor Kiba,” she said softly, as a frown crossed her lips.  She gave him the name of the hospital before they had to bid each other goodbye when the bell rang, signaling that it was time to go in.  Naruto smiled stiffly when his children ran towards him, each excited to tell their teacher what they did at break.


Naruto watched a sleeping Kiba on a hospital bed. He stood by the door, afraid to go in, as he took in the brunette’s beaten body. He had bandages wrapped around his chest and abdomen which were carefully placed to avoid the parts of his skin that had turned purple from the bruising. 

Naruto breathed out a shaky breath, his stomach turning uneasy something telling him that Sai was behind it all but he refused to listen to the small nagging voice at the back of his mind.

“Are you going to stand by the door or are you going to come in?" The brunette asked, his voice strained from the pain and swelling on the side of his face. The query bringing him out of his thoughts whilst wiping away the tear that was escaping his eye.

“Oh Kiba." He said sadly walking over to the side of the bed, placing his bag on the table and grabbing a hold of Kiba's left hand, causing the man to flinch from the movement attempting to squeeze tan fingers back.

They said nothing both staring at each other for a long time, Kiba trying his best to focus through blurred vision as a result of the swelling around his eyes.  The blonde hesitated before finally asking, unsure if he was actually ready to really know.  “What happened?" He finally asked.

"Your fiancé happened.” Kiba chortled, closing his eyes not looking at his friend. Naruto's lips twitched, but he could not bring himself to smile.

Kiba groaned when he tried shifting his position.  “He and his goons felt a need to teach me a lesson.”  Naruto sucked in a breath, placing his hand over his mouth, his stomach suddenly queasy.  “He thought that you were cheating on him with me,” wincing from the aches from talking.

Naruto left the tears flow freely shocked at the realization of the nagging that had been in the back of his mind earlier.  He opened his mouth not knowing what to really say but was interrupted by the newcomer walking into the room.

“Naruto? What are you doing here?"  The blonde turned to see Neji walking towards them. "I heard from Hinata that Kiba was attacked. I came to see him." Neji nodded his head.

"Mr Inizuka I came here to personally tell you that a colleague of mine will be taking your case." Kiba nodded in understanding. "Unfortunately even though you were able to identify who attacked you, they left no evidence to support your claim. But the person of interest is a possible link to a recent crime that was committed by the mafia.”

The broken and hurt look told Neji everything he needed to know. He placed a comforting hand on Naruto’s shoulder. "We both know who did this and once evidence is established,...he’ll be committed.” Naruto sunk down in the chair next to the bed, sobbing into his hands. “I... I can’t believe this,” he said blubbering.  “l’m so sorry Kiba!” Looking at the man laying in the bed. 

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