Chapter 17

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It had been a week since the drama that occurred at the baby shower. Naruto had since forgiven Sasuke and they were once again on good terms.

Besides there wasn't any more room in the house for flowers and knowing the stupid teme he would just keep sending them until he gave in and excepted his apology.

"Naruto!" The said man had been rearranging his clothes in his closet when he heard his father hollar from downstairs.

He cautiously made his way down the stairs and into the living room where he stopped in his tracks seeing two delivery guys from a florist bringing in dozens of bouquets of flowers. Just as one would go out, the other was bringing more in until twenty-five huge bouquets filled the room. No sooner they left, the door bell rang and it was a delivery from his favorite bakery. "We have a cake and a pastry delivery for a Hyuga Naruto?" The young woman whose hair was styled in a high spike and the tips were dyed purple said whilst expertly balancing three white boxes wrapped in orange ribbon.

"Yes. This is the residence." Kakashi affirmed taking the baked goods from her. She bowed respectfully to Kakashi before returning to the shop's delivery van.

Iruka was scurrying around trying to find places to put all of the flowers that were beautifully arranged in their own decorative vases.

Naruto was speechless as he admired the vibrant colors and the overwhelming fragrance coming from the blooms that were made up of a blend of roses, zinnias, ursinias, sweet peas, snap dragons, calla lilies mixed in with bouvardias and his favorite ranunculus, cosmos with baby's breath, anemones and peonies.

"Well, I should say that someone is trying to make amends." Iruka chuckled with his hands on his hips.

Naruto opened the first box which was filled with puff pastries. Some with pistachio cream and some with chocolate cream patisserie. The second box was stuffed with a mixture of green tea, cherry blossom and white hanami dangos. The third box was the largest of the three had a card attached which Naruto carefully removed before opening the box which housed a cake iced in fresh cream icing with fresh fruit in a symmetrical design of mandarins, kiwi, strawberries and blueberries.

After staring at the abundance of confectionery spread on the surface of the table he gingerly removed the card from the envelope. He looked at his parents before looking back to the stationary note which had the Uchiha symbol printed on it. Naruto sighed loudly. He took another glance at his parents who were waiting patiently for him to read it aloud:

"Within the realms of the universe it is possible to live without many things but for me it's impossible to live without you. Please forgive me.

Yours Truly,


When he looked up from the note his parents were embraced in each other with smiles of awe on their faces. "I think someone feels a little sorry, don't you think." Kakashi gave a small laugh looking around at the house littered with flowers.

"Hmpf. More like a lot." He smiled at them still stunned by the exuberant apology.

"I'll get the plates and make tea while you make a phone call." Iruka volunteered seeing that his son was more than happy to accept the Uchiha's apologetic offerings.

Today was the day of the Uchiha Corp's prelimary meeting. Naruto had completed all of the data logs for the mid year quarter. He could easily fax them to Ino, but he was tired of being at home so he decided that he would take them into the office himself.

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