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I woke up with the sun pouring into the room. As I started to open my eyes i saw that I was still in the same position I was in last night during the movie, I was even still wrapped around Ochako as if my life depended on it. I can't even begin to describe the complete terror that enveloped me when I realized she had been caught up in my Zero attack. The fear of losing her that swelled up around me as I saw her grabbing her throat unable to breath. I felt a tear slid down my face as I increased my grip on her.

After a moment she started to stir and let out an adorable yawn as she adjusted herself in my grip to make herself more comfortable. "Good Morning Izu." She said as she looked up at me.

"Good morning Ochako, sleep well?" I asked which only received a content hum from her.

Our moment of peace was interrupted by her alarm clock which graciously let us know that it was time to start getting ready for the day. I started to get up but was immediately pulled back down by Ochako who promptly wrapped me up with her entire body as she tried to go back to sleep.

"No, bad Izuku. We stay. No school." I chuckled at her as I stood, her still wrapped around me and clinging as she drifted back to sleep. I adjusted her slightly so that it was easier for me to carry her and she was now at my front wrapped around my neck and waist. And then she was right back to sleep.

"Sometimes you make it so easy for me to embarrass you." I said as I tried to put on a shirt, but quickly realized it was impossible. "Alright, but when the other girls see me shirtless you have no one to blame but yourself."

She didn't respond so i decided to go ahead and make my way downstairs. On my way I ran into the girl Ochako had told me was her friend Jirou. "Morning Jirou, hope you slept well."

She looked over at me and quickly noticed Ochako clinging to me. "Is she asleep?"

"Yep, and it's not the first time this has happened." I said as I walked passed her and to the elevator. "Anywho, I'll see you down stairs."

"Alright, I would have figured you two would stay in on a saturday."

"She wanted to obviously, i'm just gonna get some food and then ill be heading back up here." The elevator door closed and I made my way to the bottom floor.

Once the elevator stopped and i made my way out I noticed several students looking in my direction, "Midoriya, mind if i ask why your carrying Uraraka?" I turned to the redhead that i was told was Kirishima. I simply removed my hands from where they were positioned to make sure Ochako did not fall, only to reveal she had an iron grip on me. "Woah, i knew she was strong but jeez, She's ASLEEP and has a better grip than most."

He threw his hands up in defeat and walked away. After muttering out "She's so manly". I continued on to the kitchen and rummaged around to find some food. I decided on grabbing a simple banana and some water before turning to head upstairs. As I left the kitchen i looked into the common area to see Kachaan sitting with that red head Kirishima and they both seemed to be laughing at that Mina girl as she held a tissue to her nose that seemed to have some red spots on it.

I decided not to worry too much and made my way back upstairs. As I approached the elevator i felt Ochako start to stir a bit. "Izuku, why am i moving."

She said in a groggy tone that caused me to chuckle, "What, I was hungry and you wouldn't let go."

One of her eyes opened slightly as she peeked over at me from her head position on my shoulder, "Am I going to have to talk to some of the girls since you were walking around shirtless?"

"How would I know?" She just sighed and nuzzled back into my shoulder.

"Did you notice anyone with a nosebleed?"

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