Journal Entry 01

88 5 1

1st POV

August 17th, 3220

0500: Time of deployment, on time. I have been informed by the superiors about my new assignment. They have tasked me to terminate another outsider, but this time from the outside. It is quite unusual for the superiors to deploy me to the outside, even though it would be an easy task.

0530: I have set foot on the outside land and it is as I expected it to be, dirty. The ground is uneven, the structures are out of place, and everyone looks different. Some were using lightweight clothing while others use heavy. It's confusing. The superiors told me that it was a 7"2' fox, sunset orange, black stripe on each ear, two black check marks on each cheek, and a black circle with an arrow on the end of the tail. They told me that the arrow isn't a physical arrow, only that it is an arrow like point. Finding the target will be swift and easy with these descriptions.

0730: It has been two hours and I am starting to doubt that the target would be active at this time. Fortunately, the superiors have lend me side-missions to attend to at the time being. These include;

• Gathering map intel

• Study the outsiders' behaviors and habits, whether or not they follow the same habits or not.

• Study their consumptions for food and whether they are healthy or not.

• What cultures or religions do they follow, and whether or not they commemorate the practices.

• What kind of sexual orientations do they have or at least allow.

• And finally; where do they excrete their waste?

1200: After a total of 4 and a half hours, or 270 minutes, I have finally gathered every intel from the provided side-missions. As well as the additional information regarding the whereabouts of the target. Word has been going around the area saying that a fox who lived in the old abandoned facility was challenged by a wolf in a form of racing where no rules are applied but one, to survive.

1400: The race is starting. Fortunately, I found a safer location to hide myself from the outsiders, thus, avoiding the risk of giving away my position.

1410: Target has experienced a crash in the race against what seemed to be his opponent. I will try to get closer to him without getting noticed.

1411: Update from the superiors; retrieve the target back to dispatch.


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