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If I'm being honest, I wasn't hungry at all. Sure I'm sitting at the table across from my mom, the seats once occupied by my father and sister empty as always, but the conversation from last night burned painfully in the back of my head as I tried to forced myself to eat my cereal. My mom drank her coffee silently, she was refusing to even look at me in the eyes after yesterday, I'm not complaining. I came to a point where the cereal had become so unappetizing I couldn't fathom the idea of eating it. I placed my bowl in the sink and went back to the sit on the couch in the living room. I turned the TV and watched pointless shows for maybe an hour or two. If you had asked me what I was watching I wouldn't be able to tell you, I hadn't been paying attention.

"Did you do it Y/N?" My mother's harsh voice sounded throughout the house, where the only noise had been the blurred voices radiating from the TV and the occasional car passing by. I looked at her and nodded, I didn't want to talk. I sure as hell wasn't going to back down from my promise to myself to not talk to her. She groaned knowing I wouldn't be talking anytime soon before saying, "I invited Yunseo over. I'm heading out tonight and I want to make sure you stay here. I'll be back tomorrow morning. When she gets here, you guys are not to leave this house. Do you understand?" I nodded, not even looking at her this time. She picked up her purse, and a bag filled with what I assumed was food and she turned to walk out. As she reached the back of the couch she leaned down and placed a chaste kiss to the top of my head with a gentle '"love you' accompanying it.

I leaned my head back on the couch and sighed. Why did this hurt so much? I heard the door open and chose to stay in place, I already knew it was Yunseo. I lifted my head up and turned to look at her, my eyes beginning to water. She rushed over, never asking anything, and just moved my head to her shoulder and let me cry.


"You broke up?" Yunseo questioned shocked at the sudden statement. I nodded softly, sniffling as I raised my arm covered by large sweater to try to wipe away the tears that had begun to fall once again. Yunseo laughed softly and raised her dainty hands to wipe away my tears. "Y/N it's okay. I promise everything will be okay. You know I'm here for you. I always will be!" I smiled at that. They really helped. I moved my head to lay on her shoulder before talking, "Can we order something to eat I'm starving." She laughed before agreeing, "God I was waiting for you to say that!"

We ordered pizza. The both of us sat on the floor watching a random movie until the door bell rang. The pizza had finally arrived. Yunseo stood up and ran towards the door, after a quick conversation, she was back at the coffee table opening the pizza excitedly. We ate in silence, the only noise really taking place was the subdued chewing and the random movie we both had our eyes trained on. When we were done there were 4 slices left, and there was less than 10 minutes left on the movie. I sat silently my mind both paying attention to the movie yet slightly distracted, what was he doing?

Is he thinking of me?


Yunseo woke me up frantically, she looked worried, not even worried. She looked horrified. "Y/N! Wake up!" She shook me hurriedly. My body shot up, I had never seen her this frantic. My hands went to her shoulders as I continuously asked her what happened, "Yunseo. Yunseo! What happened?" Her hands trembled as they lifted up from my shoulders, "Y/N, your mom is in the hospital." My jaw tightened, and eyes watered, no she couldn't be.

This was a sick joke. It had to be. There's no way she could be in the hospital.

I quickly wiped my eyes and stood up along with Yunseo. She handed me a sweater, "My mom is on her way to pick us up. Let's go get our shoes on and wait outside." My head nodded silently and quickly pulled on the large sweater and grabbed my phone and shoved it into the hoodies pocket paying it no attention.

under the rose ❥ k.mhOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora