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Min Yoongi loves the night, which is why he was still sitting on his roof, staring at the stars at midnight. Watching the small lights flicker from various hues and shades, but knowing that up close, they were bigger and hotter balls of mass, it amazed him. He found it calming, how every single star in the sky would seem to disappear during the day, but would always reappear at night, in the same position. As if they came back just for him to watch. Maybe it's because he believes nobody truly takes the time to appreciate them, or maybe it's because watching the moon shine down on him will give him hope, just to feel the subtle beams of light falling down on him. Everyone pays attention to the clouds during the day, assessing whether it will rain and bring a dreary feeling, or whether it will be sunny, with fluffy clouds moving across the sky, as if someone took a streak of white paint, or threw cotton balls into the sky. But, does anyone ever pay attention to the moon and its phases? How about the different constellations that can be seen with human eyes? That's why he takes it upon himself to love it because if no one else can, he will.

After another hour or so, he began to realize how much the temperature had dropped from earlier that day and crawled back into his apartment. His old roommate moved out a few months ago, claiming that he wanted to move in with someone else. Yoongi chose to believe he was just secretly tired of hearing the soft cries of Yoongi halfway through the night. Once back in his bed, drowsiness hit him like a brick, and he decided to happily take the very few hours he had left before sunrise for granted.

He's been awake for a few minutes now, staring up his ceiling trying to decide where he'll be dragged around today. He knew in a short amount of time, he'd get a call from either his close friend Seokjin, or receive a text asking if he wanted to join their voyage for the day. Sitting up now, he swung his feet over the side of his bed, coming in contact with the carpeted floor and slowly walked towards his bathroom. Staring at his reflection, he noticed how tired he looked, how drained and sleep deprived he felt, but moved on and solved the problem by splashing cold water on his face. He began carrying out his normal routine of showering, moisturizing, brushing his teeth, until he felt suitable enough to carry out his day.

Now he sits at the dining table, questioning whether or not he should find something to eat. Ever since his previous roommate moved out, it always felt lonely and quiet in the mornings. He's used to there being the normal morning conversing between the two, or hearing the TV on and the exasperated sighs of the person not being able to find any sustainable shows on at such an early time. Now, he just sits in silence, trying to figure out if he did something to provoke his roommate, to make him want to leave. Suddenly, his phone chimes just as expected, and he picks it up wanting to know what today's adventure would be.

Jin: Yoongi, the whole gang is meeting up at the park today, interested in joining? We haven't seen you for a bit, it'd be nice to know you're alive. Hoseok said he's bringing someone, don't you want to meet them?

Yoongi: Yeah, Id be delighted to meet Hoseoks new monthly fling, it's always an honor. What time are we meeting?

Jin: No need for sarcasm, at least he gets out there and socializes. We're meeting in 15 minutes, see you soon yoongs.


After placing his phone in his back pocket, he runs to his room to grab his keys, and leaves out of his apartment. The park for him is about a ten-minute walk, and it took him five minutes to even get over what Jin had said to him. He preferred to stay inside rather than to cause harm to someone's feelings because he knew what it felt like to be left.

Now walking around the paved path of the park, wishing he had chosen to dress a bit cooler, he searched around for his friends, Jin specifically. He spotted a familiar face, and instantly was filled with regret. He had now spotted his friends, and they were watching him, and as he last one's head moved upwards, he could physically see the color drain from his face. He was now staring at his past roommate, hand linked tightly in Hoseok's, with a shocked expression on his face, Park Jimin.

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