Chapter 3

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"T-together?" I stutter in pure fright and embarrassment. "Yeah, together. You know, as like partners." He says to me with a questioning look. "Hold on to that thought." I say as a I quickly turn my flustered face away from him. I'm internally panicking right now and Harley is not helping. He snickering as he sees my current situation and this is just making me blush all the more. Agh! I want to curl up into a ball and cry inappropriately corner right now! I look to him with somewhat I'd a smile and said "Yeah. We can work together. For this assignment. Yeah." I. Want. To. CRY. He nods as he continues to pay attention to the teacher. "So I hope you will get this settled over the next few days because it's due in a week and a half on the 18th in November." Okay. We have a week and a half to do a project that's an embarrassment to myself and the world. Great. Did I mention that I want to cry?

The bell rings signaling the end of the period and in run out of the class to my next period. Luckily one of best friends are in the same period as me. "Deviiiin." I whined as I saw heyy at the group table. "I. Need. Major. Help." I said as I slumped in the seat next to her. "What boy did you come out to this time?" She asked in a joking tone. "Har har. Besides that was only once and I promise it won't happen again." I turned away. "But, that's not what happened. So remember my playwright that I wrote since time ago." I asked. "Yeah, the gay love story about a koi pond?" "Yeah, that one. I have to turn it into an actual play. And guess who volunteered?" "Who? No one?" I lightly punched her shoulder. "No." I face her."Samuel Hatrid." For a second I thought she was about to lose her shit. "Are. You. Serious?! This is an opportunity of a lifetime! Make the most of it!" She shakes me with each sentence. "Aagh. Yeah, but he doesnt know about me or the play! What am I going to do," I say glumly. The teacher released us to go to lunch since we have A lunch. The school goes in a cycle with lunches with A Lunch being first, B lunch second and C Lunch last. F in the chat for those who have C Lunch. At least now I get to tell my other friends my dilemma.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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