Chapter 2

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Samuel-frigging-hunk-Hatrid is sitting in the seat next to me and I'm freaking out. I developed a crush on him during the ninth grade and I've kept him in my sights (and daydreams) since then. Harley sees me freezing up and starts snickering.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Erik here has a crush. Well, can't help you here," he pushes me forward, "so go on lover boy." I stumble towards my seat, trying to find my balance. He sees me making a fool of myself and chuckle a little bit. This causes me to blush.

"Sorry, am I sitting in your seat?" He begins to get up before I tell him that I sit in the seat next to him. I sit down next to him and I pull out my English notebook and my sketchbook. Harley sits behind me so I can hear him laughing behind me. Oh, how much I want to punch him. "Ah, that's right you draw." I look next to him nodding. Luckily, I'm working on a piece that's almost finished. It was a picture of a Vocaloid, since I really enjoy listening to them (if you want to know who it was it was Fukase).

"It's really good." He complements me as he watches me outline it with a Sharpie pen. "T-thanks." I mustered enough courage to even say that. I'm pathetic, really. I want to jump off a cliff.

  After the teacher calls role, she announces today's activity. "All right, since we finished our short stories, I thought it was fun to see you try to act out that story!" Excited murmurs ring around the classroom as I internally panic. My story literally a gay fiction you find on Wattpad and I'm sure no one wants to act out a gay love story around a koi pond. So, I'm here wanting to die.

Meanwhile I'm in my seat, panicking, Samuel asks me this: "You wanna work on this together?"

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